Past Sales


The 43rd annual Western Illinois University Performance Tested Bull Sale, held on March 13, 2015 at the Western Illinois University Livestock Center, posted a record sale average. Not only did this year's sale post a record high average, but the record high individual price was also broken twice before the sale was over. Buyers from Illinois, Iowa, Indiana and Missouri took home 56 high-quality, high performing bulls for an average price of $3,851. The highest selling bull was a  percentage simmental bull, selling for $8,000 and consigned by Washburn Simmental and Angus, Olney, IL.

This year’s sale was sold by Monte Lowderman of Lowderman Auction Company, Macomb, Illinois.

The top overall indexing bull was also the top indexing Angus bull consigned by Gall's Angus Farm of Odell, Illinois that sold for $4,300. The top indexing Simmental, Lot 7, sold for $7,600 and was consigned by Sunnyview Farms/Darin Smith of Alexander, Illinois. Washburn Simmental and Angus also consigned the top indexing Percentage Simmental bull that sold for $6,100.

The high selling Angus bull, Lot  2, was also the highest indexing consignment from K-Sha-K Farms, Milan, IL. The high selling Simmental consignment was the top indexing Simmental bull from Sunnyview Farms/Darin Smith. Topping the Percentage Simmental consignments was the overall high selling lot from Washburn Simmental and Angus. The lone Red Angus entry in the sale was from Claussen’s Simmental and Red Angus of Bettendorf, Iowa and sold for $2,800.

Breeders are encouraged to enter their top bull prospects next year as we hope to continue building upon the reputation of the WIU Performance Bull Test and Sale as a source of Top-quality, performance-tested genetics.

2015 Sale Catalog (pdf)

2015 Bull Photos