WIU had Annual Writing Festival for High School Students (Spring 2006)

April 24, 2006

See the 2006 Winners

Writing Festival 2005

News Release: The Western Illinois University English and journalism department will host the 2006 Creative Writing Festival, featuring Illinois Poet Laureate Kevin Stein, Monday, April 24. The festival is designed to encourage high school student writers and allow them to explore career opportunities in English and journalism while visiting Western’s campus.

Stein, Caterpillar professor of English and creative writing program director at Bradley University, is the author of nine books of poetry and literary criticism. His collection, “American Ghost Roses,” was a nominated for the 2005 Los Angeles Times Book Prize. This volume, as well as “Chance Ransom” (2000) and “Bruised Paradise,” (1996) were published in the University of Illinois Press Poetry Series. Along with poet G. E. Murray, Stein edited Illinois Voices (University of Illinois, 2001), the definitive anthology of 20th century Illinois poetry.

Stein’s poems and essays have been published in journals such as American Poetry Review, Boulevard, Colorado Review, The Kenyon Review, Poetry, Southern Review and TriQuarterly. His honors include the National Endowment for the Arts Poetry Fellowship, the Frederick Bock Prize, the Indiana Review Poetry Prize, the Devins Award for Poetry and the Vernon Louis Parrington Medal for Distinguished Writing.

Students participating in the festival will be offered several creative writing sessions, including peer-sharing workshops and non-fiction, journalism and film activities. Students and teachers can also meet with Stein and attend a selected college course while at the festival.

Registration begins at 8:15 a.m. in the University Union Grand Ballroom, where a light continental breakfast will be provided. The festival will begin at 8:45 a.m. with opening remarks by Western President Alvin Goldfarb, followed by Stein reading from his works at 9 a.m. The festival will continue with workshops and classes from 10-11:50 a.m. followed by a pizza lunch at noon.

The culmination of the day will be the Garrison Creative Writing Awards Ceremony beginning at 12:45 p.m. in the University Union Grand Ballroom. Winners will receive plaques and cash prizes and will have portions of their entries read on stage by Western faculty members.

This event is sponsored by Western’s department of English and journalism, College of Arts and Sciences and Office of Non-Credit Programs. For more information, contact the Office of Non-Credit Programs at 309/298-1911.