English Department Students Present at Undergraduate Research Day! (Spring 2017)

The Department of English is extremely honored when our students, especially undergraduates, participate in events that higher their academic and professional skills. Three of our students presented papers at the Thomas E. Helm Undergraduate Research Day on April 19, 2017. See all of the 2017 accepted abstracts!

Our Students That Presented:

Emily Bryce Swain – Junior English Education Major – Podium Presentation Titled "Jane Eyre and the Quest for Christianity" – Faculty Mentor: Timothy Helwig (English)

Max Keil – Senior English Major and Professional Writing Minor – Podium Presentation Titled "Language and Monsterism in Frankenstein"– Faculty Mentor: David Banash (English) – Although Max didn't win anything at the Undergraduate Research Day, his presentation won an honorable mention at the Sigma Tau Delta International Convention in March 2017.

Rachel Troyer – Senior English Major and Film Minor – Podium Presentation Titled "Smoke Signals: A Deeper Meaning: The Subversion of Native American Stereotypes in American Cinema.”– Faculty Mentor: Roberta Di Carmine (English, Film)

Kayla Collins -  "Gender Wage Gap in Journalism"