CAS Talk - Dr. Alisha White - Spring 2018

CAS Talk: Dr. Alisha White - Creative Responses in Stimulus Response Interviews: Universal Design for Interview Methods, March 21 at 4:30 in Morgan Room 101A. This presentation reports on a qualitative study on the experiences of students with disabilities at a rural university with a growing number of faculty, staff, and administrators who are aware of and dedicated to using Universal Design to foster a more inclusive environment. The researcher utilized creative responses in stimulus recall interviews as a method for designing accessible data collection methods. The creative responses aided verbal expression by providing choice in mode of representation, adding processing time prior to the interview, and using the responses as prompts within the interview. Participants chose the form for their creative responses among composing narratives, drawings, photographs, or videos. They created their responses prior to the interview and brought the responses with them. The responses were then used to help elicit ideas to formulate verbal answers to the interview questions about their experiences as college students with disabilities. This presentation will argue for the importance of altering data collection methods to allow for greater participation in the research process by individuals with disabilities.