Apr 27: The Department of English & Journalism held its 2011 Awards Night at 6 pm in the Simpkins Writing Center. View the winners and photos.
Apr 25: At the Office of Student Activities' Award Ceremony, Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society was awarded the Outstanding Small Student Organization Award and the Most Improved Student Organization Award for the 2010-2011 academic year. Congratulations to our current student members for all their hard work!
Apr 5: Mohammad Siddiqi has won the CAS Excellence in Multicultural Teaching Award. Congratulations Mohammad!
Apr 4: The Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society has been chosen for this year's Department Organization Recognition Award. The society will receive a certificate and $100 stipend at the College's Award Reception this Friday from 4-7:00 in the Lamoine Room. A special thanks to Tim Helwig and all those involved with this organization. This is great work and the recognition is well deserved!
Mar 21: The deadline to submit applications for the Sigma Tau Delta English Honor society is 4pm, April 8th. Please submit applications to Ellen Poulter, English & Journalim Advisor, 130 Simpkins. Sigma Tau Delta application (pdf).
Feb 21: Western Illinois University's Literary Magazine, Elements, is now accepting submissions for the 2011 publication. Deadline is March 31. View submission requirements.
Feb 21: The Department of English & Journalism is now accepting submissions for the Lois C. Bruner Creative nonfiction Award and Cordell Larner Award in Fiction and Poetry. Deadline is March 25. View submission requirements.
View position announcement details for Assistant Professor of Journalism.
Spring 2011 Student News
Apr 27: The Department of English & Journalism held its 2011 Awards Night at 6 pm in the Simpkins Writing Center. View the winners and photos.
Apr 25: At the Office of Student Activities' Award Ceremony, Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society was awarded the Outstanding Small Student Organization Award and the Most Improved Student Organization Award for the 2010-2011 academic year. Congratulations to our current student members for all their hard work!
Apr 20: English Education students Megan Barnet, Rachel Allen, Kirsta Wilson, Michael Whitman, Michael Harter, Eric Carr, and Chris DeJonge received certificates of participation at the Undergraduate Research Day from President Goldfarb and Provost Thomas.
Apr 20: Jenna Braasch, Lorrie Bray, Assanatou Sow, and Lauren Staten, four students from Mohammad Siddiqi’s international public relations class, made three poster research presentations at the Undergraduate Research Day.
Apr 8: Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society received the 2010-2011 College of Arts & Sciences Student Council Departmental Organization Recognition Award, which comes with a prize of $100. Congratulations to the student officers and members who worked hard to make this a special year for Sigma Tau Delta!
Apr 7: English major, Caitlin Barrett, has been chosen as the 2011 College of Arts and Sciences Student Council Honorary Recognition Award recipient for the Humanities. Congratulations Caitlin!
Mar 21: The deadline to submit applications for the Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society is 4pm, April 8th. Please submit applications to Ellen Poulter, English & Journalim Advisor, 130 Simpkins. Sigma Tau Delta application (pdf).
Feb 21: Western Illinois University's Literary Magazine, Elements, is now accepting submissions for the 2011 publication. Deadline is March 31. View submission requirements.
Feb 21: The Department of English & Journalism is now accepting submissions for the Lois C. Bruner Creative nonfiction Award and Cordell Larner Award in Fiction and Poetry. Deadline is March 25. View submission requirements.
Spring 2011 Events
May 17-18: Dealing with difference Institute. Learn more.
May 13 - 15: Congratulations to all 2011 graduates! Commencement schedule.
May 11: Open Mic: A Reading by the Creative Writing Students of WIU. Free and open to the public. Arts Center downtown Macomb, 5pm.
May 9-12: Finals week
May 6: LAS Student Organization Event, End of the Year QC LAS programs evening celebration, Butterworth Center, 1105 8th Street Moline, IL. 5-7pm.
May 4: Film Club screening, Garwood Hall 10, 7pm, Wet Hot American Summer, 1995. Food and beverages to celebrate the end of another successful year of the Film Students' Club!
May 4: English Education Program meeting, 3pm, Simpkins 226.
May 3: Open faculty meeting with Journalism candidate, Yong Tang. 3:30 - 4:30, Simpkins 214.
Apr 30: LAS Student Organization Event, Autism Walk at Augustana College's outdoor track. 9am - 12pm. Open to the public. For additional information contact Bryan Thompson at BJ-Thompson2@wiu.edu.
Apr 27: English & Journalism Department Spring 2011 Awards night, 6pm, 341 Simpkins (Writing Center).
Apr 26: LAS Student Organization Event, PBS Freedom Riders documentary preview screening event at Putnam IMAX, sponsored by WQPT. Time TBA. Free
Apr 23: NABJ/WIU scholarship awards ceremony honoring Dameris Bagwell. University Union Lamoine Room, 12 pm. Click here for event details. Read about Dameris.
Apr 22: Open faculty meeting with Journalism candidate, Kevin Smith. 3:30 - 4:30, Simpkins 214.
Apr 22: Toni Jensen reading from her short story collection-From the Hilltop, 7:30 pm, Mulitcultural Center.
Apr 20: English Education Program meeting, 3pm, Simpkins 226.
Apr 19: Open faculty meeting with Journalism candidate, Laura Hlavach. 3:30 - 4:30, Simpkins 214.
Apr 14: "Images & Texts" with Nataliya Kosheleva, Shakespeare Under Covers, 12pm, Malpass 180.
Apr 13: Film Club screening, Garwood Hall 10, 7pm, Gattaca, 1997, and Children of Men, 2006.
Apr 8: Lit area meeting, 2pm, Tillman 301C.
Apr 6: English Education Program meeting, 3pm, Simpkins 226
Apr 5: CITR Workshop with Amy Mossman: Environmental Justice Issues as a Gateway to Introducing Sustainability across the Curriculum, 11 - 12, 180 Malpass Library. read more
Apr 2: Third Annual WIU National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Conference.
Apr 1: Student teacher and faculty mentor luncheon, 12-3pm, 025 Simpkins Hall (Student Lounge).
Mar 23: English Education Program meeting, 3pm, Simpkins 226
Mar 11: LAS Student Organization Event, Panel discussion with local business leaders about marketing the BLAS and MLAS degrees to employers, 11 am-3 pm. Lunch paid for by LASSO.
Mar 10: Henry David Thoreau and the Hudson River School of Painting. Gallery talk with Assistant Professor of English, Dan Malachuk, and MA English student, Leah Christensen. 7pm at the Figge Art Museum, 225 West Second Street, Davenport, IA.
Mar 10: Spring 2011 Case Visiting Writer, Kazim Ali, Q&A in the University Writing Center-Simpkins 341, 4:30-5:30pm
Mar 9: English Education Program meeting, 3pm, Simpkins 226
Mar 9: Spring 2011 Case Visiting Writer, Kazim Ali, reading in Sandburg Theater, 7-9 pm.
Mar 4: Lit Area Meeting. 2pm. Tillman 301F.
Mar 3: "Images & Texts" with Melissa Wangall & Eric Hoffman, Video Games as Narrative, 12pm, Malpass 180.
Mar 2: Film Club screening, Garwood Hall 10, 7pm, Last Tango in Paris, 1972, 130 mins. and Amarcord, 1974, 123 mins.
Feb 28 - Mar 4: NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English) Book Sale. 025 Simpkins Hall, 9am - 5pm. Paperbacks - $1. Hardcovers - $2.
Feb 27: LAS Student Organization Event, Charter bus trip to National Museum of Mexican Art and Dusable Museum of African American History in Chicago, 8 am-7 pm. Signups on first-come, first-serve basis at 60th St. 2nd floor info desk; limited space. Cost: $5, which includes boxed lunch.
Feb 25: LAS Student Organization Event, Kay Ryan, former poet laureate, speaking at St. Ambrose, 7:30 pm. Tickets $7 for students, $9 for others.
Feb 25: Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society holds its first "Dinners and Conversations" potluck dinner with English faculty. Organized by student president Kelsey Yoder and faculty adviser Dr. Tim Helwig, this special event will be hosted by Dr. David Banash.
Feb 24: Paul Guzzardo presents "How to Scavenge and Survive Inside a Wikileak Dumpster and Don’t Even Think About Prospering," 6pm, Malpass Library-Garden Lounge.
Feb 23: English Education Program meeting, 3pm, Simpkins 226
Feb 16: Film Club screening, Garwood Hall 10, 7pm, Don't You Forget About Me, 2009, 74 mins. and Charlie Chaplin: The Forgotten Years, 2003, 55 mins.
Feb 16: English & Journalism Department meeting, 12pm, Simpkins 14.
Feb 12: LAS Student Organization Event, Vagina Monologues performance at Augustana, 7 pm, dinner event beforehand at Pizza & Subs on John Deere Road at 5:15. Tickets $6 for students, $9 for others.
Feb 9: English Education Program meeting, 3pm, Simpkins 226
Feb 9: Student teachers return to campus, University Union
Feb 2: Meeting for students interested in publishing in or editing Elements, Western's student literary magazine, 5pm, 025 Simpkins Hall (student lounge).
Feb 2: Film Club screening, Garwood Hall 10, 7pm, A Hard Day's Night: Collector's Series, 1964, 92 mins. and Soundtrack for a Revolution, 2009, 82 mins.
Jan 27: "Images & Texts" with Bill Knight & Lisa Kernek, Graphics Journalism, 12pm, Malpass 180.
Jan 26: Department meeting, 12-1 pm, Simpkins 014.
Jan 26: English Education Program meeting, 3pm, Simpkins 226
Jan 25: "Images & Texts" with Christine Jach, Poetics and Politics in Google Earth, 12pm, Malpass 180.
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