Congratulations to Spring 2007 English & Journalism majors who graduated with honors: Brett Bayne, Andrea Bonner, Heidi Cox, Kesha Durand, Noelle Ebert, Melissa Grubbe, Holly Popkin, Carlos Richmond, Joseph Roderick, Carrie Smith, Lauren Spindler, Melissa Vestal, and Jennifer Will.
President's Excellence in Diversity Awards including William Thompson, associate professor of University Libraries and Bradley Dilger, assistant professor of English.
Wed Mar 28 & Thurs Mar 29: NCTE Booksale from 9:00 to 2:00 each day, first floor hallway.
Thurs Mar 22: Poetry candidate visit. Research talk at 3:30pm in 027.
Wed Mar 21: Department meeting at 3:30 in 027 with Provost Rallo.
Mon Mar 12 to Fri Mar 16: SPRING BREAK!
Tue Mar 6: Professional development seminar: Applying to Graduate School. Prof. David Banash and Prof. Penny Kelsey. Simpkins 020, 5:30pm.
Thu Mar 1: Third American Lit. candidate visit. Research talk: 3:30pm, Simpkins 027.
Tue Feb 27: Second American Lit. candidate visit. Research talk: 3:30pm, Simpkins 220.
Wed Feb 28:Elements meeting. 3:00pm, Simpkins 214.
Thu Feb 22: First American Lit. candidate visit. Research talk: 3:30pm, Simpkins 027.
Tue Feb 20: Third modern poetry candidate visit. Research talk: 3:30pm, Simpkins 027.
Thu Feb 15: Second modern poetry candidate visit. Research talk: 3:30pm, Simpkins 027.
Tue Feb 13: First modern poetry candidate visit. Research talk: 3:30pm, Simpkins 027.
Thu Feb 8: Faculty Meeting, 3:30 pm, Simpkins 027.
Tue Feb 6: Professional development seminar: Curriculum Vita and Résumé presentation & workshop. Prof. Bradley Dilger and Prof. Penny Kelsey. Simpkins 020, 5:30pm.
Mon Feb 5: Third Shakespeare candidate visit. Research talk: 3:00pm, Simpkins 027.
Fri Feb 2: Second Shakespeare candidate visit. Research talk: 3:00pm, Simpkins 027.
Wed Jan 31: Visit from first Shakespeare candidate.
Mon Jan 29: Visit from media law candidate (tentative).
Fri Jan 26: Elements meeting. Simpkins 213, 3:00pm.
Fri Jan 26: Visit from media law candidate (tentative).
Wed Jan 17:Elements meeting. 5:00pm, Simpkins 213.
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