Fall 2018 News
Faculty/Staff News:
- Lynne Ward, Chief Clerk, is retiring December 2018
- Dr. Bonnie Sonnek is retiring December 2018
- Dr. Roberta Di Carmine becomes Director of Graduate Studies in English on October 15, 2018
- Dr. David Banash steps up to become Interim Chair on October 1, 2018
- Dr. Kyle Mayborn, Dean of College of Arts and Sciences, fills in as Interim Chair beginning August 10, 2018 until September 30, 2018
- Dr. Mark Mossman steps down as Chair of English and assumes the role of Interim Associate Provost as of August 10, 2018
- Dr. Roberta Di Carmine's new book is in print
- New Teaching Assistants for Fall 2018
Student News:
- WIU Alum Anna Dimitrova Speaks “Paradoxes of the Postcolonial Home in Yamina Benguigui’s Film Inch’ Allah Dimanch”
- Screening of Short Film "Undivided" made by WIU Film Minor Sam Wheelhouse and starring, among others, our colleague Dr. Merrill Cole
- Tess Tyler is our Fall 2018 Departmental Scholar for English
- Clare Possin from the Quad Cities campus is our English Department nominee for the Lincoln Laureate Award. Her application materials will go into a pool with nominees from the other CAS Departments. One CAS student will then be selected to compete with the nominee from the other colleges, and one final student will be selected as WIU's Lincoln Laureate for 2018–2019
Event News:
- Writers–in–Residence Fall 2018: Brandon Hobson, Samantha Hunt, and Layli Long
- Dinner and Conversations 2018 - Poe Party
- Successful 15th Annual EGO/ΣΤΔ Conference
- Film Club Sponsored Event for Parallel Lines is Successful
- Homecoming 2018 "Game On: Leathernecks Win it All - Purple and Gold Edition" with the Department of English
Other News:
- Spring 2019 Course Descriptions
- Opportunity to Study Abroad: Cinema Italiano
- Holiday Decorations in the Department of English
Fall 2018 Publications:
The Mirror and The Lamp
- Hobson and Hunt Reading at Taylor Hall by Emma Dayhoff
- An English Major in Greek Life by Jennifer Hoening
- An Interview With the New University Writing Center Director Dr. Morrow by Katie Green
- Not Your Stereotypical English Major by Jennifer Hoening
Western Voices
- Leland Essay Contest 2018–2019: Accepting Submissions Until February 2019
Fall 2018 Recurring Events:
- African American Literary Society every Wednesday (Simpkins 114, 3:30pm)
- Anime Club every Friday (Simpkins 27, 6pm)
- Feminist Reading Group meets Fridays (Simpkins Student Lounge, 1–2pm)
Fall 2018 Calendar of Events:
- August 29, 2018: Student Activities Fair (Outside Malpass Library, 3–5pm)
- September 10, 2018: Film Club Screening: Charade (Simpkins 220, 6–8pm)
- September 17, 2018: Study Abroad Interest Meeting (Cinema Italiano) (Simpkins 220, 6–7pm)
- September 21, 2018: Submission deadline for CAS Fall Undergraduate Research (CASUGR) Grant Competition
- September 29, 2018: Homecoming 2018 (Q Lot English Tent, 12–3pm)
- October 1, 2018: Film Club Screening: White Zombie (Simpkins 220, 6–8pm)
- October 2–4, 2018: Film Festival Screening: All the Queen’s Horses (Rialto Cinema, 3pm & 7pm)
- October 5, 2018: Anna Dimitrova Alum Speaker “Paradoxes of the Postcolonial Home in Yamina Benguigui’s Film Inch’ Allah Dimanch” (Simpkins 27, 4pm)
- October 5, 2018: EGO Abstracts Due
- October 16, 2018: Lola Case Writers Brandon Hobson and Samantha J. Hunt: Q&A (Sherman Hall Auditorium, 3pm); Public Reading (Taylor Hall - 121 South Randolph Street, 5pm)
- October 17, 2018: Study Abroad Interest Meeting for Cinema Italiano (Simpkins 220, 5–6pm)
- October 19, 2018: EGO/STD Conference Speaker: Dr. Kishonna Gray “Hypervisible Blackness. Invisible Narratives: the Digital Stories that Games Tell” (Morgan 109, 7pm)
- October 20, 2018: EGO/STD Conference: Thriving (or Living) in a Digital World: An Educational Opportunity (Simpkins Hall, 8am–4:30pm)
- October 22, 2018: 9th Annual Fault Line Film Festival Contest Deadline
- October 24, 2018: Study Abroad Interest Meeting for Cinema Italiano (Simpkins 220, 5–6pm)
- October 24, 2018: Q&A with Director Allison Walsh of "Parallel Lines: A Collection of Short Films (Sandburg Theater, 6pm)
- October 26, 2018: CAS College Days 2018 (WIU, 8:30-3pm)
- October 29, 2018: Film Club Screening: Night of the Living Dead (Simpkins 220, 6–8pm)
- October 30–31, 2018: ΣΤΔ Halloween–themed Bake Sale (Simpkins Hall, 10am–2pm)
- November 1, 2018: ΣΤΔ Halloween–themed Bake Sale (Simpkins Hall, 10am–2pm)
- November 1, 2018: Screening of “Undivided” by WIU Film Minor Sam Wheelhouse (Simpkins 220, 4pm)
- November 2, 2018: Lola Case Writer Layli Long Soldier Poetry Reading (Old Bailey House, 5:30pm)
- November 3, 2018: Dinner and Conversations: Poe Night (Home of Tim and Magdelyn Helwig, 5–8pm)
- November 5, 2018: Film Club Screening: Knock on Any Door (Simpkins 220, 6–8pm)
- November 6–8, 2018: Film Festival Screening: BLACKkKLANSMAN (Rialto Cinema, 2pm & 7pm)
- December 4–6, 2018: Film Festival Screening: A Fantastic Woman (Rialto Cinema, 2pm & 7pm)
- January 1–3, 2018: Film Festival Screening: Three Identical Strangers (Rialto Cinema, 2pm & 7pm)
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