Fall 2016 News
Faculty/Staff News:
- English Secretary, Lynne Ward, Wins CAS Civil Service Award
- Tiffany Dimmick hired as English Department Graduate and Writing Program Office Support Associate
- WIU Foundation Summer Stipend Award Recipients: Rebekah Buchanan - First Year English Language Arts Teaching in Rural Schools & Timothy Helwig - Writing the Working Class: The Literacy and Rhetorical Discourse of Class Protest in Antebellum American Print Culture.
Student News:
- Midwestern Regent Timothy Helwig and Midwestern Student Representative Haley Helgesen at the Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society fall board meeting, representing WIU
- 10 Students' Paper Proposals Accepted for STD National Conference
- WIU Students Win 1st & 3rd Place in Sigma Tau Delta Blog Contest
- English Education Students Present at IATE - Fall 2016 Conference - "Connecting to Home through Artifactual Literacies Projects."
- Student Spotlight on Rebecca Gonner (English major) written through Western Courier by Kaylee Gundling (English major); see picture
Event News:
- EGO/STD Conference: "Economy: Moral Challenges and Opportunities": A Conference on Language and Literature
- Shakespeare Film Festival Comes to WIU: WIU's #Shakespeare400 Film Series is Part of Military Appreciation Week (pdf)
- WIU Film Minor Adam Colgan Screens His Documentary Film; News Release
- The FYE American Gothic Literature Class has Edgar A. Poe Party
- Ryan Walker Presented His Nonfiction Film "The Bootlegger"
- English Department Open House Was a Success
- President Jack Thomas Addresses Sigma Tau Delta
Other News:
- Spring 2017 Course Descriptions are ready
- Congrats to our WIU Sigma Tau Delta chapter for winning the international 2014-2015 Outstanding Chapter Award
- WIU Film Minor Provides Wide Variety of Cinematic Experience
- Film Club Celebrates Last Meeting for the Semester
- Living Learning Community for LAS Have Individual Discussions
- Holiday Decorations are in Swing in the Department of English
Fall 2016 Publications
- Deck the Halls with Boughs of Books by Tiffany Dimmick
- Bonding over English with University President Jack Thomas by Jon Naskrent
- EA Games: The Reality of Getting a Dream Internship by Haley Helgesen
- Presenting at the EGO Conference by Emily Swain
- Judge Not by Chris Bell
- An English Major Abroad: The Truth in Travel by Molly Cameron
- Thesis in 200 Characters or Less by Rebecca Gonner
Fall 2016 Calendar of Events in Order:
- September 6, 2016: Film Club Screening: Summer Wars (Simpkins 220, 6-8pm)
- September 7, 2016: WIU #Shakespeare400 Film Series: Much Ado About Nothing (Sandburg Theater, 6:30pm)
- September 9, 2016: EGO Abstracts Due
- September 9, 2016: WIU Game Studies Group: Games and Cultural Reference: Guillotine and The Grizzled (Kozmic Game Emporium, 3-5pm)
- September 16, 2016: Boiler Room Reading Series #1: Dr. William Knox, Chris Bell, Holly Griffith (University Art Gallery, 4-5pm)
- September 20, 2016: Film Club Screening: The Long, Long Trailer (Simpkins 220, 6-8pm)
- September 23, 2016: WIU Game Studies: Survival and Character Archetypes (Kozmic Game Emporium, 3-5pm)
- September 30, 2016: EGO/STD Keynote speaker, Dr. Jennifer Ruth “Citizenship in the Age of Financialization: From Hannah Arendt to George Saunders to Gary Shteyngart" (Morgan Hall 109, 7pm)
- October 1, 2016: EGO/STD Conference: "Economy: Moral Challenges and Opportunities": A Conference on Language and Literature
- October 4, 2016: Film Club Screening: Near Dark (Simpkins 220, 6-8pm)
- October 5, 2016: WIU #Shakespeare400 Film Series: Henry V (Sandburg Theater, 6:30pm)
- October 7, 2016: WIU Game Studies: Minimalist Horror Games (Kozmic Game Emporium, 3-5pm)
- October 11, 2016: Film Club Screening: Martin (Simpkins 220, 6-8pm)
- October 12, 2016: Case-Writer Stuart Dybek (Sherman Hall Auditorium, 5pm)
- October 12, 2016: English Student Organization Open House Join Sigma Tau Delta International English Honor Society, English Graduate Organization, Writer's Block, Film Club, and Game Studies Group to learn about the upcoming events and activities going on throughout the year. There will be root beer floats, pizza. and games as well (Simpkins 25, 3-4:45pm)
- October 18. 2016: Film Club Screening: Planet of the Vampires (Simpkins 220, 6-8pm)
- October 21, 2016: WIU Game Studies: Hidden Horror Games (Kozmic Game Emporium, 3-5pm)
- October 21, 2016: IATE Fall 2016 Conference (Bloomington, IL)
- October 25, 2016: Film Club Screening: Let the Right One In (Simpkins 220, 6-8pm)
- October 25, 2016: President Jack Thomas speaks to STD (Knoblauch 239, 6pm)
- October 28, 2016: Boiler Room Reading Series #2: Dr. Patricia Young, Adrienne Tinsley, Stephanie Hoover (University Art Gallery, 4-5pm)
- October 28, 2016: Talks about Faculty Research Projects: Rebekah Buchanan, Everett Hamner, Dan Malachuk, and Shazia Rahman (CODEC, 5pm)
- October 30, 2016: Talks about Faculty Research Projects: Merrill Cole, Jose Fernandez, and Magdelyn Helwig (CODEC, 2pm)
- November 1, 2016: Film Club Screening: Leon: the Professional (Simpkins 220, 6-8pm)
- November 2, 2016: Case-Writer Joshua MacIvor-Andersen (University Art Gallery, 5-6pm)
- November 4, 2016: WIU Game Studies: Story Writing Games (Kozmic Game Emporium, 3-5pm)
- November 9, 2016: English Department Fall Open House (Simpkins 9:30am-3:30pm)
- November 9, 2016: Harry Potter Study Abroad
- November 9, 2016: WIU #Shakespeare400 Film Series: Macbeth (Sandburg Theater, 6:30pm)
- November 10, 2016: Filmmaker Ryan Walker- "The Bootlegger" (Sandburg Theater, 6:30-8:30pm)
- November 12, 2016: Dinner and Conversations with Tim Helwig: “The Cult and Visual Culture of Edgar Allan Poe” (Dr. Helwig’s residence)
- November 15, 2016: Harry Potter Study Abroad Info Session (Simpkins 19, 5-6pm)
- November 15, 2016: Film Club Screening: Pieces of April (Simpkins 220, 6-8pm)
- November 29, 2016: Screening of Film Minor's Documentary: RX: Pot: The Journey For Pain Relief by Adam Colgan (Simpkins 220, 6-7pm)
- December 1, 2016: Screening of Documentary Film "Warrior: The Life of Leonard Peltier"
- December 2, 2016: Faculty/Staff CAS Awards Program (Lamoine Room, 4pm)
- December 2, 2016: Boiler Room Reading Series #3: Dr. Chris Morrow, Haley Helgesen, Kayla Smith (University Art Gallery, 4-5pm)
- December 6, 2016: Film Club Screening: Mac and Me (Simpkins 220, 6-8pm)
- December 7, 2016: WIU #Shakespeare400 Film Series: Hamlet (Sandburg Theater, 6:30pm)
- December 9, 2016: WIU Game Studies: Endurance Racing Games (Kozmic Game Emporium, 3-5pm)
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