Fall 2004 News & Events


Position Openings

Beginning Fall 2004, we are searching for three assistant professors: Creative Writing, Professional Writing, and U. S. Ethnic Literature. For more information, see the posted positions on the WIU Human Resources web site. We expect to fill these positions in March 2005.

Maurine Magliocco Retirement

The Department salutes Prof. Maurine Magliocco’s 37 years of service to WIU, and wishes her well in her future endeavors.


Dec. 14: Poetry Reading
Case Writer-in-Residence Rebecca Wee’s ENG 485 students will read their work Dec 14, 6-8pm, University Writing Center.

Dec. 10: Writing Faculty Party
El Rancherito, 1514 West Jackson, 4:30pm. All are welcome.

Dec. 8: SPJ Fall banquet
Featuring Bill Dennis of BlogPeoria. Union Lincoln Room, 6:00pm.

Dec. 8: Elements release & reading
Celebrate the publication of the literary magazine Elements, University Writing Center, 6:00pm.

Dec. 7: Holiday party
Faculty, staff, and their families are invited to the WIU Alumni House, 5:00-8:00pm.

Dec. 2: CV workshop
Bradley Dilger and Joan Livingston-Webber are hosting a CV workshop. All students are welcome. Lecture, discussion, questions, and workshopping. Simpkins 214, 4:00 pm. 

Nov 16: Richter earns Sterrett Award
Shawna Richter, a senior Journalism major from Trenton, Illinois, has been named the College of Arts & Sciences' Fall 2004 Cecile A. Christison Sterrett College Scholar. In addition to her outstanding academic record, Richter was honored for her work and dedication to the Western Courier as a writer and news editor, along with her other jobs and activities outside the classroom. Richter will be honored for her achievement at the Academic Honors Convocation on December 17. At that time, she will receive a medallion emblazoned with the University seal as well as a $150 cash award.

Nov 9: Rebecca Wee reading
Visiting Professor Rebecca Wee, the 2004 Case Writer in Residence, read from her poetry in the University Art Gallery, at 7:00 pm.

Nov 9: Faculty Colloquium Series: David Boocker
Professor Dave Boocker read "Milton after 9/11" in Simpkins 027, at 4:00 pm.

Oct 27: Course descriptions posted
Detailed course descriptions for Spring 2005 have been posted.

Oct 20: Faculty Colloquium Series: Karen Mann
Professor Karen Mann read "Attending to the Middle: Narrative and Salvation in 21 Grams" in the University Writing Center.

Sept 30: Hallwas Recognized
Recently retired Professor John Hallwas was honored at a reception acknowledging his research and years of service to the WIU community. The College of Arts & Sciences has also named the annual Liberal Arts Lecture in Hallwas’s honor. Thanks and best wishes, John!

Sept 20: New Secretary
Please stop by the front office to welcome our new secretary, Barb Arvin, to the Department.

July 19: Robertson, Simmons, and Strother-Adams earn PAAs.
Associate Professors Alice Robertson, Terri Simmons, and Pearlie Strother-Adams were awarded Professional Achievement Awards.

July 19: Stevenson and Young promoted.
David Stevenson and Pat Young were promoted to Professor.

July 1: Smith accepts position at SRC
Instructor Donna Smith has accepted a tenure-track position in English at Spoon River College. Congratulations, Donna!