student working in a lab

Master of Science - Chemistry


The Western Illinois University Department of Chemistry offers work leading to the Master of Science (MS) degree through either a Thesis Plan or an Applied Chemistry Plan. The program is designed to prepare graduate students for continuation to the PhD level or other professional training, or for immediate employment in advanced positions in government, industry or education. The program accommodates individual career objectives for those with degrees in Chemistry and allied fields, and allows those with minors in Chemistry to pursue advanced work and placement in the field. The WIU department also provides inservice training to chemists and chemical educators who are not candidates for the MS degree. The Department of Chemistry has seen enormous growth in the past 30 years with many new applications in biotechnology, materials, medicine, nanotechnology, environmental health, alternative fuels and forensic science. New information is rapidly transferred from research laboratories to practical applications.

Features & Benefits
  • Assistanship and internship opportunities
  • Individualized advisement and mentorship from our faculty
  • Students do science – They don’t just learn about it
  • Students get to travel
  • Our students become published authors
Career Opportunities

The MS degree in Chemistry will prepare students to work in modern, quality assurance laboratories, pharmaceutical company labs, biotech labs, or environmental and crime laboratories at the local, regional, state or federal level. The MS graduates can also work for other law enforcement agencies such as the Drug Enforcement Administration, Food and Drug Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, and Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The program also prepares students to work for private industries in their analytical, environmental, chemical synthesis or toxicology laboratories. In addition, the program provides the training for students to pursue PhD work in chemistry, forensic chemistry, forensic sciences, environmental sciences, industrial hygiene, medical chemistry or toxicology.