Bachelor of Science - Biology

Degree Overview

Biology majors select one of six options within the major:

  • Botany
  • Microbiology
  • Zoology
  • Medical Sciences (Pre-Health Professionals)
  • Science/Biology—Teacher Education
  • Environmental Biology

Training in Biology prepares one for a broad spectrum of job opportunities, including teaching, governmental or industrial laboratories, conservation agencies, or business. In addition, students become qualified to pursue graduate studies in any of several areas of study within the Biological Sciences and the health professions.

WIU's Department of Biological Sciences is committed to providing undergraduate students opportunities in research and field experience. Students in the teacher licensure program participate in a number of outreach activities throughout their program, including science fair judging, coordinating events for Science Olympiad, participating in Biology Day, and working as assistants in introductory biology labs. Our majors also enjoy the benefits of:

  • Field trips to natural areas
  • Access to the Alice L. Kibbe Life Science Station, a 1,689 acre natural area along the Mississippi River
  • Internship course (BIOL 495) provides practical experience for career development
  • Participation in laboratory experiments in both core and upper-level courses
  • Involvement in departmental organizations including Tri-Beta, Pre-Professional Club, Zoology Club, BGSA, and Students for Sustainability
  • Opportunities for study abroad programs

Academically qualified students in this department are encouraged to complete an honors curriculum in University Honors, Honors in the Major, or General Honors. The honors program encourages motivated students to do original biological research and is an exciting component of our department. If you are interested in the honors program, contact Dr. Richard Musser .


Contact the Department of Biological Sciences and meet our faculty.

Contact our undergraduate advisors.

View the specific degree requirements and course descriptions in the Undergraduate Catalog.