
The Business Services Accounting division is located in Sherman Hall 220. Accounting can be reached by phone at 309-298-1811; fax 309-298-2811; or email

Maintaining University Accounts

See the Administrative Procedures Manual for procedures on establishing new accounts or making changes to an account name.

Use the Fiscal Agent Signature Sheet to change fiscal agents on an account.

Did You Know?

  • When you are in FRBR, type WHO in the screen field. This will display information about who to contact in the Business Office with your questions.
  • Typing SIG in the screen field will display fiscal agent and alternate signatures for the subsidiary ledger account specified. This screen will only display information on SL accounts.

FRS Reference Information

  • SL Account - Subsidiary Ledger Accounts contain the income statement information (revenues and expenses). Use screens 19 and 23 for balances and transactions to SL accounts. These are accounts that do not begin with zero.
  • GL Account - General Ledger Accounts contain balance sheet information (cash, receivables, payables, fund balances, etc.). In most instances, the last 0 can be moved to the first position to translate the SL account to the GL account number. Example: 3-00000 translates to a general ledger account number of 0-30000. For Foundation accounts the leading 8 in an SL account should be replaced by a 0. Example: 8-80000 translates to a GL account number of 0-80000. Use Screen 18 for a summary of dollar information.

Account Types

  • Appropriated (1-xxxxx or 2-xxxxx) - money held in Springfield that is appropriated to the University.
  • Local (3-xxxxx) - funds that are retained locally. These funds are generated by activities that support the University's mission of instruction, research and public service.
  • Revenue Bond (4-xxxxx) - funds generated by the University Union, University Housing and Dining and Campus Recreation.
  • Grants (5-xxxxx) - accounts that receive and expend restricted funds from outside sources.
  • Plant (7-xxxxx) - accounts that record activity related to the University's physical assets.
  • Foundation (8-xxxxx) - funds generated and held by the WIU Foundation.
  • Agency (9-xxxxx) - accounts for which WIU is the custodian only. These funds are not University funds.