Emergency and Crisis Follow up

The Student Development and Success Center serves as an emergency contact for students experiencing immediate health, emergency, or personal problems that may affect their academic performance. The SDSC acts as a liaison between students, family members, faculty, University personnel, and community agencies in crisis situations. Staff provides academic and moral support to those who have experienced personal difficulties. In the event of the death of a student or immediate family member, the SDSC will assist with necessary notifications. 

Documentation needed

Some situations require documentation which may include:

  1. Death - a copy of the death notice, obituary, or a death certificate.
  2. Illness or accident - written verification from the doctor on office letterhead, hospital bills, copies of medical bills, or accident reports.
  3. Personal - verification from the counselor, medical associate, or supportive facility verifying dates attended/treated and/or comments they feel comfortable making; letter from employer regarding changes in job responsibilities, work hours, position, or position change.
  4. Legal - copies of proceedings, verification from attorney, police reports, etc.
  5. Judicial - copies of letters concerning hearings, statement from the Student Rights and Responsibilities, or a statement from the Office of Public Safety (OPS) reports.


Student Emergency Fund

The Student Emergency Fund provides temporary, short-term financial assistance to currently enrolled students who are unable to meet essential expenses due to a temporary or unexpected hardship. This emergency fund program is designed to offer financial assistance to students in the form of one time awards (not to exceed $500). To apply, complete this form. 

Emergency funding is NOT intended to provide ongoing relief for recurring expenses. Decisions regarding disbursement of funds are made on a case-by-case basis. Awards are not considered loans and do not require repayment.
Note: Emergency funding may affect previously awarded aid from other sources. The Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships will review the request for emergency funding and determine the impact, if any, on the student’s financial aid. Some funds may be considered income and subject to taxes.

Types of expenses that may be considered include (not exhaustive):

    • Medical, dental, or mental health emergencies
    • Books, supplies, or other school related expenses
    • Replacement of essential belongings due to fire, theft, or natural disaster
    • Travel costs related to the death or illness of an immediate family member
    • Safety needs

Types of expenses that are generally not covered (not exhaustive):

    • Tuition, fees, health insurance, and study abroad fees
    • Credit card expenses
    • Parking tickets and other fees
    • Costs for entertainment, recreation, and non-emergency travel
    • Rent

Eligibility requirements:

    • Have an immediate financial hardship resulting from an emergency, accident, or unexpected incident
    • Currently enrolled at WIU
    • Ability to provide documentation of situation
    • Have not previously used Student Emergency Funds