Code of Student Conduct

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Approved 08/1/24

Western Illinois University values academic excellence, educational opportunity, social responsibility, and personal growth. The University educates students intellectually as individuals and socially as citizens of the global community. Each member of the Western Illinois University community shares responsibility for maintaining conditions which support these institutional values. The Code of Student Conduct is designed to provide basic guidelines to advance the University’s mission as a community of individuals dedicated to learning that will have a profound and positive impact on our changing world through the unique interaction of instruction, research, and public service as we educate and prepare a diverse student population to thrive in and contribute to our global society.

As citizens of the larger community in which the University is located, students retain the rights and responsibilities common to all citizens; affiliation with the University does not diminish the rights and responsibilities held by a student or any other community member as a citizen of the State, the nation, or the world. Students are subject to the behavioral prescriptions promulgated by each of these entities. Therefore, the University as well as civil authorities have jurisdiction over violations of law that occur on University property.

The Code of Student Conduct outlines the standards of behavior expected of every student at Western Illinois University. The policies and procedures outlined have been designed through a representative process by students, faculty, and administrators to further the institution’s educational purposes and to assist students in their pursuit of knowledge and personal development.

A student voluntarily joins the Western Illinois University community and thereby assumes the obligation of abiding by the standards prescribed in the Code of Student Conduct. The University, through the Office of the Vice President for Student Success, maintains the exclusive authority to impose sanctions for behaviors that violate the Code of Student Conduct.

All students enrolled at Western Illinois University have access to the Code of Student Conduct. Printed copies are available through the Student Conduct Office and the Office of the Vice President for Student Success. The Code, along with other helpful information, may be accessed online at .