Council on Admission, Graduation, and Academic Standards (CAGAS)
The Council on Admission, Graduation, and Academic Standards (CAGAS) is a Faculty Senate council responsible for recommending and evaluating policies concerning admission, retention, graduation, and academic standards and for establishing some of the procedures to carry out such policies. It also serves as an appellate body regarding such policies and procedures. CAGAS (ten faculty and two student members) meets weekly during fall and spring semesters, as well as several times during the summer.
CAGAS has the charge of overseeing academic standards and graduation requirements. Most of the council's activities involve handling individual cases (appeals) and approving policy and procedures. Often subcommittees are formed to provide recommendations for the full council's consideration. Members are expected to vote on cases and policy that would include the following:
- General Education: Total hours; hours in one area or areas of gen. ed.; distribution requirements
- Course Enrollment: Late adds; late withdrawals
- Hour Requirements: Overall hour requirements; hour requirements for majors and minors; degree residency requirement; junior college transfers; 300/400 level courses
- Grades: GPA; pass/fail grading; audit
- Substitution of courses
- Junior College credit for upper-division courses
- Falsification of records
- Grade changes
- Honor point deficiency
- Admission; suspension; dismissal
- Additional academic requirements
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Sherman Hall 110
Macomb, IL 61455-1390 USA
Phone: 309/298-3101
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