Dual Career Recruitment & Retention Program Guidelines

The Dual Career Recruitment and Retention Program supports the institution's goal of attracting and recruiting an "excellent faculty representative of the diverse and global society." Priority may be given to dual career hires which will contribute to faculty/staff diversity; i.e. where hiring the spouse/partner will assist in the hiring faculty/staff from underrepresented groups. Although the Dual Career Program is primarily designed to assist in the placement of spouses or partners of newly hired faculty/staff, every effort will be made to assist other university units in meeting their specific recruitment needs. Civil Service positions are excluded from this program. The university will also seek to include opportunities in the surrounding community as part of this program.

While each case will be reviewed individually, several steps will be common to all requests:

  1. The Chair/Department Head consults with the Dean/Vice President when it is clear that a spouse/partner hire is likely necessary to make the faculty/staff hire. The Chair/Department Head makes the initial inquiry as to the type of position best matched to the spouse/partner qualifications.
  2. The Chair/Department Head then works with the likely unit for the spouse/partner hire to identify if a position is available. Part of that inquiry will be a determination as to funding for the proposed position.
  3. The request for a spouse/partner hire, along with justification and funding needs, is made by the Dean/Department Head to the appropriate Vice President. The appropriate Vice President will review the request with the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access, and the Provost, and make a final recommendation to the President.
  4. If a spouse/partner hire is authorized for a non-tenurable position, it may be proposed for a period of up to three years with 1/3 funding from the department making the initial hire, 1/3 from the unit hiring the spouse/partner, and 1/3 from the appropriate Vice President. Each Vice President may reallocate division funds for this purpose or may request Dual Career Program funds from the President/Provost to support these institutional hiring goals.