Student Learning Outcomes

Recreation, Park and Tourism Administration  (M.S.)


Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to: 

  1. apply basic descriptive and inferential statistics to data commonly used by leisure service organizations.
  2. apply, working in groups of up to three, one of nine philosophical concepts/theories (Aesthetics of the Everyday, Consequentialism, Deontological Ethics, Environmental Aesthetics, Happiness, Moral Character, Pleasure, Virtue Ethics, Well-Being) to a leisure issue of their choosing; research and write to a level approaching academic publication standards
  3. identify various types of budget systems and the financial structures for developing a departmental and agency budget
  4. demonstrate professional poise, professional presence; creative use of presentational media; knowledge of basic administrative principles; understanding of internship site; and oral communication skills appropriate for completion of the capstone course for the Master of Science degree