Student Learning Outcomes
English (B.A.)
Language and Literature Option
Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:
- demonstrate awareness of English language and literature in different national, historical, social, political, and cultural contexts
- create critical, creative, and digital texts in a variety of genres
- conduct both primary and secondary research, using a variety of research methods, including textual, archival, qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods
- develop rhetorical, critical, and creative proficiency in responding to a wide variety of texts, including digital texts, film, and new media
- apply theoretical frameworks to a variety of texts
- adapt reading practices and writing choices based on genre, discipline, and rhetorical situation
- apply oral rhetorical concepts in class discussion, reading texts aloud, and presenting to audiences
- cultivate independent thinking, originality, imagination, experimentation, problem solving, and risk taking in thought, expression, and intellectual and civic engagement
Teacher Education Option
Based on standards established by the National Council for Teachers of English, upon completion of the Teacher Education option of this program, the student will be able to:
- demonstrate knowledge of English language arts subject matter content that specifically includes literature and multimedia texts, as well as knowledge of the nature of adolescents as readers
- demonstrate knowledge of English language arts subject matter content that specifically includes language and writing, as well as knowledge of adolescents as language users
- plan instruction and design assessments for reading and the study of literature to promote learning for all students
- plan instruction and design assessments for composing texts (i.e., oral, written, and visual) to promote learning for all students
- plan, implement, assess, and reflect on research-based instruction that increases motivation and active student engagement, builds sustained learning of English language arts, and responds to diverse students’ context-based needs
- demonstrate knowledge of how theories and research about social justice, diversity, equity, student identities, and schools as institutions can enhance students’ opportunities to learn in English Language Arts
- be prepared to interact knowledgeably with students, families, and colleagues based on social needs and institutional roles, engage in leadership and/or collaborative roles in English Language Arts professional learning communities, and actively develop as a professional educator
In addition to the outcomes listed above, all professional educator licensure programs at Western Illinois University are designed to meet the 2013 Illinois Professional Teaching Standards (IAC 23, Part 25) and are also aligned with the standards established by the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium. These standards can be found at the links below:
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