Peace Corps Prep Program
Approved Courses for Peace Corps Prep Program
1. Take three courses from one of the six Peace Corps sectors. For example, three courses under the Agriculture heading, or three from Education, etc.
- AGEC 220, 333, 442
- AGED 131, 330, 331
- AGRI 120
- AGRN 176, 278, 370, 373, 374, 378, 470, 472, 473, 478, 479
- AGTM 250, 458, 461, 464
- ANSC 112, 310, 322, 323, 335, 416
- ANTH/BOT 463
- COMM 235*
- CONS 305, 405
- HORT 180, 389, 393
- INAG 310*, 361, 362
- INAG 310, 361, 362
- MGT 472
- SOC 312
Community Economic Development:
- ACCT 200, 201, 202
- ARTS 215, 314, 315
- CS 101, 102, 111, 114*, 214*, 315, 380
- ECON 100*, 232*, 330, 332, 350*, 351*, 420, 460, 465, 470
- FIN 331
- MGT 472, 473, 474
- MKTG 317, 327, 331, 417
- POLS 334
- RPTA 362, 460, 462, 481
- SOC 312, 335, 345
- CSTM 440**[+][++]
- EDUC 439 **
- EIS 202, 303, & 304 Edu.**, 361, 435, 440, 457, 458
- ENGR 251**, 310, 331**
- EOS 310
- GEOL 375, 380
- HE 440
- MATH 106 and 206+++, 304 & 439 Math Edu.**, 362 ECH**, 364 and 367 Edu.**, 407G Elem. Edu.**
- MGT 472
- PHYS 439 Secondary Edu. Sci.**
- SCED 352, 364**
- SPED 200, 210, 250, 280, 300, 320, 350, 370, 383, 390, 400, 405, 417, 420, 430, 440, 445, 460 (all except 210 are for majors only)
- SSED 495**
- STAT 409G
- ANTH 395*, 415
- ANTH/BOT 463
- BIOL 350, 425, 439, 451, 456, 479, 481, 482
- BOT 451
- CHEM 342
- CSTM 440**
- EM 276, 304, 306
- ENVR 201, 401
- EOS 310
- GEOG 100*, 110*, 121*, 337, 426, 428, 430, 466
- GEOL 113*, 375, 380
- MICR 400, 405, 434, 460, 463
- POLS 393
- RPTA 444, 481
- SCED 489
- ZOOL 409, 414, 485
- COMM 425
- EOS 310, 417
- FCS 109*, 121*, 209, 303, 400, 426
- HE 251, 321, 325*, 413, 433, 440
- NURS 302, 309, 316, 405, 410, 415, 431, 433
- POLS 415
- SOC 312
- SPED 360
Youth in Development:
- AGED 131
- ANSC 310
- COMM 315, 344, 428
- HE 121
- MGT 472
- PSY 100*, 250, 251, 355, 422
- PSY/ANTH 353
- REL 101
- RPTA 428
- SOC 312
- SPED 210, 300, 350
- SW 100, 212, 337, 400
2. Take any three courses, based on cultural sensitivity and agility, from the following list:
- AAS 100*, 102 (Fall 2015), 283*, 349*, 446
- AAS/GEOG 466
- ANTH 110*, 201, 324, 353, 380, 404
- ARTS 284*
- A&S 210
- COMM 381
- ECON 350, 351, 470
- EIS 361, 435, 440
- ENG 357
- ENG/REL 492
- F L 101*
- FCS 300*, 375*
- GEOG 110*
- G H 207*
- HE 325
- HIST 145*, 307, 341*, 344*, 349*
- INAG 361, 310
- MUS 390**, 391**, 394*
- POLS 228*, 267*, 322, 329*, 331, 338, 334, 350, 353, 400
- PSY 353
- REL 111*
- RPTA 462
- SOC 300*, 440, 464
- SOC/WS 285*
- SW 380
- THEA 390
- WS 190*, 303*, 315, 318*, 360*, 410, 420, 430
* General Education course
** Majors only
+ Online only
++ Summer term only
+++ Retroactive credit possible (no longer offered)
Please contact us at: (309) 298-3685 or via email at with questions, or to discuss your individual application and course of study.
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