University News
WIU to Host Microagression JIDE Webinar Oct. 12
October 9, 2023
MACOMB, IL - - The Western Illinois University Office of Justice, Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity (JIDE) will host "Implicit Bias and Microaggressions" from 1-2:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 12 in Stipes Hall, room 121.
Join President and Founder of the Washington Consulting Group Reverend Jamie Washington in defining and identifying microaggressions and implicit biases when they occur around and within our organization, department and institution. The webinar will share tools for recognizing microaggressions and implicit biases, along with strategies and best practices for responding to and recovering from perpetuating them.
All students, faculty and staff are invited to participate in the webinar conversation around overcoming prejudices and improving connections.
For more information on JIDE, visit
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