WIU International Women's Day Celebration Featured Women's Rights Presentations from International Women at Western
March 11, 2016

Four international Western Illinois University women shared stories about women's rights in their individual home countries at an International Women's Day celebration and luncheon March 8—a day set aside by the United Nations to honor the social, economic, cultural and political accomplishments of women—at the WIU Multicultural Center. Presenters included, from L to R: Daria Zakharova, Kyrgyzstan, sociology, graduate student; Shyan Edwards, Jamaica, sociology, graduate student; Yuki Hasebe, Japan, educational studies, associate professor; and Kadidia Samassekou, Mali, biochemistry, junior.
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MACOMB, IL — Four international Western Illinois University women shared stories about women's rights and plights in their individual home countries at an International Women's Day celebration and luncheon March 8—a day set aside by the United Nations to honor the social, economic, cultural and political accomplishments of women—at the WIU Multicultural Center.
Co-sponsored by the WIU's Women's Center, the International Friendship Club and the Center for International Studies, the event featured Shyan Edwards, a sociology graduate student from Jamaica; Kadidia Samassekou, biochemistry, from Mali; Daria Zakharova, a sociology graduate student from Kyrgyzstan; and Yuki Hasebe, associate professor, educational studies, from Japan. According to Dana Vizdal, assistant director, international student services, Center for International Studies, the presenters shared information about gender inequality and traditional women's roles, as well as about underrepresentation of women in politics and other arenas, in their home countries.
In addition to the speakers, the event featured displays about international women in general, as well as about women's roles around the world related to environmental sustainability.
"This tied into Western's 2015-16 theme, 'Environment: A Foundation for Social Responsibility.' The resources included a book display and booklist of some of the books about international women available in the Multicultural Center Resource Library," Vizdal added.
For more information about International Women's Day, visit www.internationalwomensday.com. For more information about WIU's Center for International Studies, contact Vizdal at (309) 298-3734 or via email at DM-Vizdal@wiu.edu, or visit wiu.edu/international.
Posted By: University Communications (U-Communications@wiu.edu)
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