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ALL ENTRIES (335 results)
Who's Buying: Executive Summary of Household SpendingBased on unpublished data collected by the BLS Consumer Expenditure Survey, presents a broad overview of household spending. Examines consumer spending trends and patterns and how the patterns differ by demographic characteristics: age, income, household type, region of residence, race and Hispanic origin, education, household size, homeowners and renters, number of earners in household, and occupation. WIU USERS ONLY.Marketing
Who's WhoBiographical information from 20 major Who's Who titles including: Who's Who in America; Who Was Who in America; Who's Who in the Midwest; Who's Who in the World; Who's Who of American Women; Who's Who in Finance & Business. Available via Nexis Uni. WIU USERS ONLY.Biography
Workers in America: A Historical EncyclopediaExamines the complete panorama of America's work history, including the historical account of work and workers, the social inequities between the rich and poor, violence in the Labor Movement, and issues of globalization and industrial economics.Economics/Finance
World Bank: World Development IndicatorsSubsets of the World Development Indicators (WDI) covering 209 countries from 1960 to 2008 translated into Spanish, French and Arabic. Economics/Finance
World Clock - Time ZonesDisplays the current time in all parts of the world.Time/Calendars
World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous PeoplesEncyclopedic entries about minority and indigenous peoples, their rights, and their historical, political, and geographical contexts. Browse by country, region, and minority, or search by keyword.Ethnic & Gender Studies
World Embassy PageProvides links to embassy websites of nations throughout the world. The page allows you to find embassies by either host or guest country.Countries
World Literature In Spanish: an EncyclopediaCovers literatures throughout the world that are written in Spanish. Entries are arranged alphabetically and provide an introduction to the global, complex tradition of literature composed in Spanish and demonstrate the distinguished and numerous contributions of Spanish literature to world civilization. WIU USERS ONLY.Literature
World NewspapersLinks to world newspapers, magazines and news sites in English.Communication/Mass Media
World Resources ReportsThe World Resources Institute's yearly collection of data and in-depth analysis on current environmental issues, focusing on: Climate, Energy & Transport, Governance & Access, Markets & Enterprise, and People & Ecosystems.Countries
WWWJDICSearch English to Japanese or Japanese to English using roman characters, furigana, or kanji. Look up kanji by radical or hand-drawing to see info on readings and meanings.Dictionaries/Thesauri
XE Currency ConverterThe XE Currency Converter allows you to perform interactive foreign exchange rate conversion.Economics/Finance
Yahoo NewsUp-to-the-minute global news and information from the Associated Press, CNN, NPR, Reuters and other news organizations (via Yahoo).Current Events is a substantial collection of dictionaries on the web (more than 1500 dictionaries representing more than 230 languages).Dictionaries/Thesauri
Zip Code LookupProvides zip codes for addresses entered, full addresses for companies when name and city/state data are entered. Entering a zip code will result in the corresponding city and state. Phone Numbers/Zip Codes

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