Library News
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Free Yoga in Malpass Library
A free yoga session for relaxation and stress relief will be offered in the Garden Lounge of Malpass Library on Monday, December 14th, from 4 to 5 PM. Visit this website for more information.

New Items!
Newly acquired items for the months of October through November, 2015 have now been listed!

Libraries to Aid Students with Stress Relief During Finals Blitz
To help students cope with the increased stress that comes with preparing for final exams, WIU Libraries will be offering opportunities for relieving that stress within Malpass Library and the branch libraries. Visit this website for more information.

Chandler and Carranza Chosen as Graham Scholarship Recipients
Kelsey Chandler and Raquel Carranza, student employees of University Libraries, have been chosen as the 2015-2016 recipients of the William H. and Eva Little Graham Libraries’ Student Assistant Scholarship. Visit this website for more information.

Medieval Monsters: Terrors, Aliens, and Wonders
Join art history professor Sherry Lindquist for an evening of “Medieval Monsters: Terrors, Aliens, and Wonders,” on Wednesday, October 28th, beginning at 6:30 PM in the Garden Lounge of Malpass Library. Visit this website for more information.

Monsters in the Library: Poetry by Jason Braun
WIU's own Jason Braun will bring monsters to the library on October 28th, reading from poems featuring Frankenstein's monster, the walking dead, and other creepy figures. Visit this website for more information.

Open Access Week Discussion Panel
In celebration of Open Access Week, and in light of skyrocketing textbook and journal subscription costs, WIU Libraries will present an Open Access Discussion Panel on Thursday, October 22, at 3 PM, in the Garden Lounge of Malpass Library. Visit this website for more information.

New Items!
Newly acquired items for the months of August through September, 2015 have now been listed!

The Coming & Going of the Sex Pistols
Come to Room 180 at Noon on September 30, and hear a talk about Never Mind the Bollocks, the coming and going of the Sex Pistols, of boy bands, girl bands, and an ongoing project, "The Decline of the West." Visit this website for more information.

WIU's Sequel Yearbook Collection
As part of Western Illinois University's October 2-3, 2015 Homecoming Celebration festivities, WIU Libraries takes a retrospective look back at the classes of 1965, 1975 and 1990. Times of revolution and reaction in fashion, music, society and university life were documented
The Sequel
(WIU's official yearbook).
The Sequel
was published from 1905-2006 and was digitally captured by WIU Libraries to preserve an
important collection documenting our University's history and lore.

Homecoming Scavenger Hunt to Be Hosted in Library
As part of Homecoming 2015 festivities, the Leslie F. Malpass Library will be hosting a scavenger hunt, open to all, from 4 to 5 PM on Friday, October 2nd. Visit this website for more information.

Baskets for Books
Western Illinois Athletics and Western Illinois Libraries are partnering on a 'Baskets for Books' initiative to help raise money for new books at WIU. Visit this website for more information.

WIU Libraries Host Banned Book Celebration
In honor of Banned Books Week, the Western Illinois University Libraries will host its 8th annual "Banned and Determined" event, an evening of readings from censored, banned, and challenged books, on Tuesday, September 29, 2015 at 7 pm in the Leslie F. Malpass Garden Lounge. Visit this website for more information.

WIU Celebrates U.S. Constitution Day
The Centennial Honors College and University Libraries are honored to host the annual Constitution Day event on Wednesday, September 16 from 11:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. in the Leslie F. Malpass Library, Garden Lounge. Visit this website for more information.

Becoming Part of a Global Community Presentation
Anyone interested in learning about international opportunities and increasing their involvement in the global community can attend a presentation from 4:30-5:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 21 in the Garden Lounge of Western Illinois University's Malpass Library. Visit this website for more information.

Curriculum Library Book Sale
The Curriculum Library of the Western Illinois University Libraries will be hosting a Book Sale from Monday, September 14 through Friday, September 18, 2015 from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. inside the Curriculum Library (Horrabin Hall room 80).

WIU Libraries' Research Toolbar
WIU Libraries' Information Systems Unit has developed a Research Toolbar to increase library research productivity. The Firefox browser toolbar extension enables convenient access to library information resources and services including scholarly databases, library catalogs, Interlibrary Loan services and Internet resources such as Google Scholar.

New Items!
Newly acquired items for the months of June through July, 2015 have now been listed!

Blooming in the library this month
See the "Queen of the Night" Orchid or Dutchman's Pipe Cactus, blooming this month in the library.

Large LGBTQA Collection Added to Malpass Stacks
On Thursday, June 11th, a reception was held to recognize Jack and Joyce Wiley, of the organization Quad Citians Affirming Diversity (QCAD), and their donation of over 1400 LGBTQA-related items to the WIU University Libraries. Visit this website for more information.

Blooming in the library this month
See the brief reign of the "Queen of the Night" Orchid Cactus, blooming this month in the library.

New Items!
Newly acquired items for the months of April through May, 2015 have now been listed!

Chu Multicultural Collection Helps All Students
In 2010, Felix and Nancy Chu made a commitment to WIU to help educate students on social issues and the immigrant experience. The Chu Multicultural Collection focuses on works of fiction that include themes of cultural, ethnic and racial issues, especially those focused on the immigrant experience. This spring, WIU Libraries purchased over 60 books with the Chus' fund. Visit this website for more information.

Greatest Hits Infographic
University Libraries has released an infographic which details, in visual form, an overview of ways the library served the campus and community in 2014. From books, to articles, to the more fundamental needs of time and space, the ‘greatest hits’ of the libraries are all represented. Visit this website for more information.

Stranger Than Fiction: A Flash Nonfiction Reading
Please come to Malpass 180 at noon on Friday, May 1st. You will hear a number of short, nonfiction pieces by students. Only the future knows what they’ll reveal,and it’s all lawyered-up and not talking. Visit this website for more information.

10th Annual Authors Reception
The University Libraries cordially invites all to attend the Tenth Annual WIU Author Recognition Reception on Wednesday, April 29, 2015, from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. in the Garden Lounge of the Leslie F. Malpass Library. Visit this website for more information.

Hubble Space Telescope Lecture
University Libraries will commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the launch of the Hubble Space Telescope with a lecture by Dr. Esteban Araya, Assistant Professor of Physics, on Thursday, April 23rd, at 7 PM in the Malpass Library Garden Lounge. Visit this website for more information.

New Items!
Newly acquired items for the months of February through March, 2015 have now been listed!

Student Honors Association Blood Drive
The Student Honors Association, student organization of the Centennial Honors College, will host a blood drive on Friday, April 17th, from 9 AM to 1:30 PM, in the Garden Lounge of the Malpass Library. The Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center (MVRBC) will facilitate the blood drive. Visit this website for more information.

Geology of Gold Lecture
Western Illinois University Department of Geology Professor Kyle Mayborn will present "The Geology of Gold" at 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 8 at the Leslie F. Malpass Library Garden Lounge. The event is open free to the public. Visit this website for more information.

Genealogy Workshop
Western Illinois University Libraries will sponsor a presentation on "Finding Your Ancestors" at 6 p.m. Thursday, April 9th in the Leslie F. Malpass Library, second-floor classroom. Visit this website for more information.

Women's History Month Lecture
The WIU Department of History and University Libraries present the Third Annual Women’s History Month Panel, "Weaving the Stories of Their Lives: Five Women Activists and Reformers From Around the World," to be held on Thursday, March 26th, at 4:30 PM in the Malpass Library’s Garden Lounge. Visit this website for more information.

Music Library Lecture Series
The University Libraries’ Music Library will be hosting a series of lectures exploring the connections between well-being and music. The lectures will explore these risks as well as techniques that musicians can use to prevent them. All lectures will take place in Room 230 of Sallee Hall, and though targeted towards musicians, are open to the public. Visit this website for more information.

Blind Date with a Book
From February 6 through 15, 2015, University Libraries will host, "Blind Date with a Book" in the Malpass Library. A display will be set up near the Access Services Desk, with a variety of books wrapped in decorative paper. Visit this website for more information.

Remembering the ‘60s: Groovy Discussion Panels for Spring
University Libraries will be hosting three discussions of the 1960s throughout the spring semester: February 23rd, March 26th, and April 8th. All three groovy discussions will take place in Room 180 of the Malpass Library, from noon to 1 PM. Visit this website for more information or contact William Thompson,

Attention, WIU Authors!
University Libraries is preparing for the tenth Annual Author Recognition Reception, and would like to hear from anyone who published during the 2014 calendar year while employed by or enrolled at Western. Visit this website for more information or contact Jeanne Stierman,

EndNote Workshops at Malpass Libary
The WIU Libraries will be offering EndNote Basic Workshops for Faculty and Graduate Students through the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Research (CITR) on February 24 (2:00 PM) and March 9, 2015 (3:00 PM). Advance registration is recommended. To register for the workshops, sign up using the links to the workshops on the CITR Workshop Website. Visit this website for more information or contact Linda Zellmer,

New Items!
Newly acquired items for the months of October through November, 2014 have now been listed!

WIU Libraries' Annual Book Sale Feb. 2-5
Western Illinois University Libraries will host its annual book sale from 10 a.m-6 p.m. each day from Monday-Thursday, Feb. 2-5. The sale will take place in the Leslie F. Malpass Library staff lounge, located on the first floor. For more information, or to donate to the sale, contact Greg Phelps at or 309) 298-2730

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