2011 Library News archive
Position Announcements
December 2011
WIU Libraries has recently posted two position announcements: Instructional Services Librarian & Health Sciences/Sciences Librarian.

Student Advisory Group Survey
December 2011
The Library Student Advisory Group would like your input on their end of the semester survey. Please take a few minutes of your time to respond to these current issues. Sorry, but the deadline for submitting this form has passed.

New Items!
December 2011
Newly acquired items for the month of November, 2011 have now been listed!

Winona Helen Cassin Malpass Passes
November 2011
WIU Libraries celebrate the life of Winona Helen Cassin Malpass.

New Items!
November 2011
Newly acquired items for the month of October, 2011 have now been listed!

Rare Manuscript on Display
November 2011
A rare and valuable late 17th-century manuscript, confirmed to be that of composer/singer William Turner (1651-1740), is currently on display in the Western Illinois University Libraries' Music Library (Sallee Hall 108).

RefWorks No Longer Available after December 31st
November 2011
Due to budget exigencies and low usage, University Libraries regrets to inform you that WIU will no longer be subscribing to the RefWorks bibliographic software after December 31, 2011.

Let's Talk About It Series
November 2011
WIU Libraries will be hosting a free five-part reading and discussion series called “Let’s Talk About It: Making Sense of the American Civil War.” The series will run from November 2011 through April 2012.

Zombies are Everywhere!
October 2011
On Monday, October 31 at 12:10 pm in the Leslie F. Malpass Library, room 180, University Libraries will be providing a Halloween treat, a talk about zombies.

New Items!
October 2011
Newly acquired items for the month of September, 2011 have now been listed!

Try-It! Illinois 2011
October 2011
Try-It! Illinois 2011, access a multitude of different databases till 11/30/11.

Forensics Exhibit and Speaker Series
September 2011
Physical Sciences Library will host the 2011 Forensics Exhibit and Speaker Series from October 3rd through November 18th.

Football Memorabilia on Display
September 2011
WIU Athletics and Libraries' Archives and Special Collections Unit has teamed up to display football and other WIU memorabilia on Saturday, October 1, 2011from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Hall of Fame room in Western Hall.

2011 Banned Book Celebration
September 2011
In honor of Banned Books Week, the Western Illinois University Libraries will present "Banned and Determined," a panel discussion on censorship, on September 27, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in the Leslie F. Malpass Garden Lounge.

New Items!
September 2011
Newly acquired items for the month of August, 2011 have now been listed!

Study Abroad Opportunity
August 2011
Study Abroad program to the Netherlands and Turkey from March 9th - 18th 2012 with Joe Dobson, Professor of Management and Marketing, and Phyllis Self, Dean of Libraries.

2011 Library Trivia Contest
August 2011
University Libraries usually provides the answers at the reference desk, but this time we want the answers from you. Each correct answer will earn you an entry to win a WIU t-shirt.

New Items!
August 2011
Newly acquired items for the month of July, 2011 have now been listed!

Fall Listening Parties
August 2011
University Libraries will host six listening parties this semester.

New Items!
July 2011
Newly acquired items for the month of June, 2011 have now been listed!

Voyager (I-Share) Upgrade
July 2011
I-Share (CARLI's Voyager system) will be offline this coming weekend. There will be no access to the catalogs from 5pm Friday, July 8th till Monday, July 11th.

New Online Legal Self-Help Center
June 2011
WIU Libraries to provide public access computers for new online legal self-help center.

ALA/NEH Grant Awarded
June 2011
The Western Illinois University Libraries system is one of only 65 library systems in the U.S. selected to participate in the American Library Association (ALA) and National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) project, "Let's Talk About It: Making Sense of the Civil War."

New Items!
June 2011
Newly acquired items for the month of May, 2011 have now been listed!

Grrrrls and Noise Listening Party
May 2011
University Libraries will host a listening party, "Grrrrls and Noise", featuring Rebekah Buchanan of the WIU English Department on Wednesday, June 8, 2011 at Noon in room 180 of the Leslie F. Malpass Library.

Civil War Anniversary Lecture & Display
May 2011
Dr. Larry Balsamo will present "The Civil War, The People's War; One Historian's View" 06/08/2011 at 2:30 p.m. in the Garden Lounge of the Leslie F. Malpass Library. Additionally, two displays will be available for viewing throughout the month of June.

New Items!
May 2011
Newly acquired items for the month of April, 2011 have now been listed!

Women’s Lecture Established
April 2011
Dr. Elizabeth A. Kaspar Women's Lecture for University Libraries established.

2010 WIU Authors Bibliography
April 2011
The 2010 WIU Authors Bibliography is now available!

Music from the Islamic World Exhibit
April 2011
In celebration of Islamic Awareness Week the Music Library will be presenting "Music from the Islamic World".

University Libraries on Display at TechFest
April 2011
University Libraries will participate in the College of Education and Human Services 12th Annual Tech Fest on Wednesday, April 27th from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Horrabin Hall Gym.

New Items!
April 2011
Newly acquired items for the month of March, 2011 have now been listed!

Out of this World: Astronomy Series 2011
March 2011
Western Illinois University Libraries and the Physics Department are pleased to announce the upcoming, "Out of this World" Astronomy Series 2011, which will include exhibits, lectures and star gazing activities.

Leslie F. Malpass Passes
March 2011
WIU Libraries mourns the death of Leslie F. Malpass.

Super Summer Health Webinar
March 2011
A Summer Health Webinar will take place on 03/24/11 at 11am.

Author Recognition Reception
March 2011
The University Libraries is honored to host the Annual Author Recognition Reception on Wednesday, April 13, 2011.

So You Want to Get Happily Married?
March 2011
WIU Libraries will be screening two short instructional films on the topic of marriage from the 1950s.

New Items!
March 2011
Newly acquired items for the month of February, 2011 have now been listed!

March Game Nite
February 2011
The second and final game nite of the 2011 spring semester will be Thursday March 3 on the 3rd floor of Malpass library from 7:00- 10:00pm.

Hannah Free Screening
February 2011
A screening and discussion of the movie Hannah Free
will take place on Wednesday, March 9th at 2:00 p.m. in the Leslie F. Malpass Library, Room 180.

WIU Authors: Publications During 2010
February 2011
WIU Libraries is sponsoring the seventh annual WIU Author Recognition Reception on April 13, 2011 (3:00-4:30 p.m.). Submission forms are now available and all WIU authors are encouraged to complete the submission form by Friday, March 4, 2011.

A Celebration of Women in Music
February 2011
In honor of Women’s History Month, 2011, University Libraries and The School of Music present, A Celebration of Women in Music, an informal recital of music by women composers. The recital will take place on Thursday, March 3, 2011 at Noon in the Multicultural Center’s Multipurpose Room.

Digital Information Glut and American Culture Lecture
February 2011
The Digital Information Glut and American Culture lecture by Paul Guzzardo will take place on 02/24/2011 at 6pm in the Garden Lounge.

Black History Month Events
January 2011
Please join University Libraries as we celebrate Black History Month in February.

February Game Nite
January 2011
* This event has been canceled due to weather
Check out Game Nite on 02/03/2011 from 7 - 10pm.

University Libraries Annual Book Sale Coming Soon!
January 2011
Western Illinois University Libraries will be hosting their annual Book Sale Monday, February 7, 2011 through Thursday, February 10, 2011 from 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. in the Leslie F. Malpass Library, Staff Lounge, located on the first floor.

Images and Texts Series
January 2011
This spring the Department of English and Journalism and WIU Libraries are sponsoring a series of talks on the relationship between texts and images.

IRS Tax Forms Outlet Program
January 2011
University Libraries is pleased to announce that it will once again participate in the IRS Tax Forms Outlet Program.
* Update: The 1040 instructions are now here!

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