Hannah Free Screening

A Film about Lesbian and Midwestern Life Before Stonewall
Wednesday, March 9, at 2:00PM, Malpass 180
Sponsored by University Committee on Sexual Orientation and University Libraries
Hannah Free concerns the life and loves of a gay woman in the rural Midwest in the decades before the lesbian and gay civil rights movement. Gay life before Stonewall is often imagined to have been confined to a few urban enclaves on both coasts. Hanna Free shows that lesbians and gays have always been living, and falling in love, in the same places we do now: everywhere. The screening and discussion will take place on Wednesday, March 9th at 2:00 p.m. in the Leslie F. Malpass Library, Room 180.
Hannah Free will be of interest not only members of the LGBT community but to historians of American history and culture, to persons in Women Studies, to sociologists of rural life, and students of film. Hannah Free is a locally (e.g. Chicago) produced film. Tracy Baim, the film's producer, will be on hand to answer questions. The film stars Sharon Gless (Queer as Folk, Cagney and Lacey). Hannah Free was directed by Wendy Jo Carlton (Jamie and Jessie are not Together). Playwright Claudia Allen (Winter, The Long Awaited) wrote the screenplay. Tracy Baim, the producer, is a one woman renaissance being a publisher and editor (Windy City Times), journalist, and producer.
For more information about the film go to: http://www.hannahfree.com/
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