2009 Library News Archive

New Items!

December 2009
Newly acquired items for the month of November, 2009 have now been listed!

Newly aquired items for the month of November, 2009

Donations for Annual Sale

December 2009
The Malpass Library is now accepting donations for its Annual Book, Media, and Game Sale.

Image of three books tied with ribbon and the text Donations Are Now Being Accepted

New Items!

November 2009
Newly acquired items for the month of October, 2009 have now been listed!

Newly aquired items for the month of October, 2009

New Items!

October 2009
Newly acquired items for the month of September, 2009 have now been listed!

Newly aquired items for the month of September, 2009

2009 GIS Day

November 2009
Western Illinois University will be hosting GIS Day activities November 18, 2009 from 1:00 to 4:00 PM in the Garden Lounge of Malpass Library.

WIU GIS Day 11/18/09 with the GIS Day Logo

New U.S. Serial Set

October 2009
The WIU Libraries is pleased to announce the availability of the digital U.S. Congressional Serial Set from 1817-1980.

Photo of the U.S. Capital with the text U.S. Congressional Serial Set

New Items!

October 2009
Newly acquired items for the month of August, 2009 have now been listed!

Newly aquired items for the month of August, 2009

2009 LibQUAL+ Survey

September 2009
We will be conducting a LibQUAL+ survey during the three-week period from October 5th to October 25th.

Illustration of a survey with the excellent box checked and the text October 5th - 25th LibQUAL+ Survey

Digital Literacy Contest

September 2009
WIU Libraries will host a digital literacy contest on October 22, 2009.

Illustration of a light bulb and a computer mouse with the text WIU Digital Literacy Contest 10-22-2009.

October Game Nite

September 2009
The 2009-2010 Game Nite series continues on Thursday, October 1st, from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm on the 3rd level of the Leslie F. Malpass Library.

Image of a video game controller facing one side of a chess board with the text Game Nite 10-01-2009.

2009 Celebration of Banned Books

September 2009
Readings from censored, banned, and challenged books on 09/29/09 at 7PM in the Garden Lounge of the Malpass Library.

Illustration of books with chains and a lock around them.

Student Assistant Reunion Gala

August 2009
The First Library Student Assistant Reunion Gala Saturday, 10/17/09

Photo of a sign with reunion and an arrow on it.

New Items!

August 2009
Newly acquired items for the month of July, 2009 have now been listed!

Newly aquired items for the month of July, 2009

Welcome Tables

August 2009
WIU Libraries will have two welcome tables situated outside of the Leslie F. Malpass Library on Monday, August 24, and Tuesday, August 25, 2009, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. This year we are giving away an iPod and four thumb drives.

Image of a sign with the text Welcome

September Game Nite!

August 2009
The 2009-2010 Game Nite series kicks off on Thursday, September 3rd, from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm on the 3rd level of the Leslie F. Malpass Library.

Image of a video game controller facing one side of a chess board with the text Game Nite 09-03-2009.

WIU Libraries Trivia Contest

August 2009
Answer a few questions in about WIU in our trivia contest, and you could win a $50 gift card.

Image of a Trivial Pursuit game piece: Trivia Contest, Win a $50 gift card!

New Items!

July 2009
Newly acquired items for the month of June, 2009 have now been listed!

Newly aquired items for the month of June, 2009

Technological Trendsetting

July 2009
The Western Illinois University Libraries are pleased to announce that two librarians on our faculty have been awarded grants from the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois for the 2009-2010 academic year.

Photo of a man in a suit holding a gold piggy bank with the text Faculty Awarded CARLI Grants

Technological Trendsetting

July 2009
Alliance Library System has recognized trendsetting web-based library services from the Western Illinois University Libraries in its Trends Report 2009.

Picture of a hand giving thumbs up and the text Trendsetting web-based library services recognition.

July Game Nite!

June 2009
The Game Nite Series continues this summer with another fabulous iteration of our signature evening of brainy fun on Thursday, July 9, 2009, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm on the 3rd level of the Leslie F. Malpass Library.

Image of a video game controller facing one side of a chess board with the text Game Nite 07-09-2009.

Voyager Upgrades

June 2009
A system-wide upgrade of Voyager will occur from July 14th to July 17th, 2009.

Illustration of a sunrise behind mountains and the text Voyager Upgrades

Malpass Moves

June 2009
There has been a bit of moving about in the Leslie F. Malpass Library this summer.

Illustration of a moving box and the text Malpass Moves

New Items!

June 2009
Newly acquired items for the month of May, 2009 have now been listed!

Newly aquired items for the month of May, 2009

June Game Nite!

May 2009
Our popular and splendidly fabulous Game Nite Series continues on 06-11-09, from 6pm to 9pm on the 3rd level of the Leslie F. Malpass Library.

Image of a video game controller facing one side of a chess board with the text Game Nite 06-11-2009.

New Items!

May 2009
Newly acquired items for the month of April, 2009 have now been listed!

Newly aquired items for the month of April, 2009

Summer Course on Library Resources

May 2009
Sean Cordes, Assistant Professor and Instruction Services Coordinator in the University Libraries, will be offering an interesting course during the Summer Semester of 2009, LIB 201: Library Information Resources.

Image of a chalkboard with the text LIB: 201 Summer School

LibGuide for Copyright Issues in Academe

May 2009
Interested in copyright issues and how these issues affect academic work? Andrea Falcone, Virtual Services Librarian in the University Libraries, and Peggy West, of Western's Center for Innovation in Teaching and Research, have produced a helpful LibGuide to help you out.

Illustration of the registered symbol with the text NEW! LibGuide Copyright Issues in Academe

Year of Science LibGuide

May 2009
Andrea Francis, of our Government Information and Legal Reference Unit, has produced a LibGuide for the 2009 Year of Science.

Image of beakers and test tubes with the text Year of Science LibGuide

2008 Authors Reception Recap

May 2009
Check out a recap and some photos from the fifth annual "WIU Authors Recognition Reception".

Illustration of a red carpet going up some stairs with the text WIU Author Recognition Reception Recap

2008 Authors Reception Recap

April 2009
An ever-changing selection of trial databases may be found at http://www.wiu.edu/libraries/databases/trials/index.php.

Illustration of a scale with the text Electronic Trial Databases

First Review: Proposed Title Cancellations

April 2009
First Review: List of Proposed Title Cancellations

Image of a stack of journals with the text Proposed Title Cancellations

Text Me!

April 2009
Now call numbers can be texted to your mobile phone directly out of the University Libraries Catalog!

Image of a person texting on their cell phone with the text SMS: Text Me!

New Mobile Portal

April 2009
Carry us in your pocket, wherever you go! A web portal for mobile devices.

Image of an iPhone with the text New! Mobile Portal

2009 Minority Health Month

April 2009
In honor of National Minority Health Month, the Leslie F. Malpass Library is cosponsoring two viewings of episodes of the critically-acclaimed documentary series.

Illustration of a minority doctor with the text 2009 Minority Health Month

2009 Forensics Exhibit and Series

April 2009
The 2009 Forensics Exhibit and Series of Presentations at the Physical Sciences Library will be open from April 10th through May 1st.

yellow causion tape and a fingerprint with the text Exhibit April 10 - April 23, 2009 FE: Forensics Exhibit

2009 Author Recognition Reception

April 2009
The University Libraries Annual Author Recognition Reception will take place on Friday, 24 April 2009, from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm in the Garden Lounge of the Leslie F. Malpass Library.

Set of stairs with red carpet going up them with the text WIU Author Recognition Reception 04/24/09

A Guide to RSS and Alerts

April 2009
Linda Zellmer has crafted a guide to RSS feeds and alerts.

RSS icon with the text RSS & Alerts Guide

New Items!

April 2009
Newly acquired items for the month of March, 2009 have now been listed!

Newly aquired items for the month of March, 2009

15th Anniversary of the Jeff Leibovitz Special Collection

April 2009
A reception and open house honoring the 15th anniversary of the Jeff Leibovitz Special Collection of Holocaust Education Materials will be held at the WIU-Quad Cities Campus at 3561 60th Street in Moline, Illinois, on Tuesday, April 21, 2009 from 6:30 to 8:00 pm in room 115.

Image of a prison with the text Leibovitz Special Collection Anniversary

Meet Erin Waters

April 2009
Meet our current library intern, Erin Waters, and learn how she is helping out WIU Libraries while receiving course credit.

A name tag with Erin Waters head shot and the text Meet Erin Waters

University Libraries Open House

March 2009
In honor of National Library Week, there will be an open house in all of the Western Illinois University Libraries on Wednesday, April 15, 2009, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.

Photo of a kite flying with the text University Libraries Open House.

400th Anniversary of Shakespeare's Sonnets

March 2009
Come help celebrate the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare�s sonnets with a reading by members of the University and local community.

Painting of William Shakespeare with the text A celebration of Shakespeare's sonnets!

DVD's & Videos

March 2009
Come browse our DVD's and videos on the 3rd level of the Leslie F. Malpass Library.

Illustration of a movie camera and some reels of film with the text Browse Our DVD's and Videos.

Scholarly Publishing

March 2009
Linda Zellmer, government information and data services librarian in the Western Illinois University Libraries, has prepared a useful page on "Scholarly Publishing in Crisis."

Illustration of a megaphone with the text Crisis in Scholarly Publishing.

Two Game Nites in April!

March 2009
If you haven't been to one yet then please treat yourself and drop on by the Leslie F. Malpass Library for the final two Game Nites of the semester. These Game Nites will take place on Thursday, April 2nd, from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm and, for Dad's Weekend, on Friday, April 17th, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm, both on the 3rd level of the Leslie F. Malpass Library.

Image of a video game controller facing one side of a chess board with the text Game Nite 04-02&17-2009.

New Items!

March 2009
Newly acquired items for the month of February, 2009 have now been listed!

Newly aquired items for the month of February, 2008

Women's History Month Celebration

March 2009
March is Women's History Month and in celebration two exhibits are being hosted in the University Libraries.

An old photo of a woman and the text Women's History Month Celebration

Community Libraries in Our Time

March 2009
A Daylong L.I.F.E. Program in the Leslie F. Malpass Library, June 16, 2009, 9:00 am to 3:30 pm.

A wooden plaque on a cement wall with the text L.I.F.E. PROGRAM ON LIBRARIES

March Game Nite!

February 2009
Another fabulous iteration of the famous Game Nite series will occur on Thursday, March 5, from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm on the 3rd level of the Leslie F. Malpass Library.

Image of a video game controller facing one side of a chess board with the text Game Nite 03-05-2009.

Film Series

February 2009
The Center for Innovation in Teaching and Research and the University Libraries here at Western are cosponsoring a film series this semester entitled People in Trouble.

Photo of a person in the bath room reaching for the toilet paper which has run out and the text People in Trouble.

New Items!

February 2009
Newly acquired items for the month of January, 2009 have now been listed!

Newly aquired items for the month of January, 2008


February 2009
WIU Libraries annual Author Recognition Reception will be held on 04/24/2009, at 3:00 pm in the Garden Lounge of the Leslie F. Malpass Library. Submissions are now being accepted.

Graphic of a book with the text were you a 2008 WIU author?  Let us know!

African Americans in Jazz

February 2009
The Western Illinois University Music Library is celebrating Black History Month by celebrating the accomplishments of African Americans in jazz music.

Photo of Louis Armstrong with the text African Americans in Jazz.

Free Tutoring

February 2009
The University Advising & Academic Support Center is yet again offering tutoring in a variety of subjects on the 2nd level of the Malpass Library, near the Reference Desk. The tutoring is free and open to all Western Illinois University students.

Image of a notebook with Tutoring at the library written on the page along with some doodles.

Lecture on Louisiana Creoles

February 2009
Our own Dr. Jeffery Darensbourg, a librarian here at Western, will give a lecture, "Louisiana's Creoles of Color: Family Stories of Cultural Identity," on Wednesday, February 18, 2009, at 3:00 pm in the Garden Lounge of the Malpass Library.

Photo of Dr. Jeffery Darensbourg with the text Louisiana Creoles Lecture

African American Studies Trial Databases

January 2009
In honor of Black History Month the University Libraries have arranged for trials to three very interesting databases for African American Studies. The trials run through February 28, 2009.

Image of a laptop computer, with an illustration of Africa on the screen, and the text Trial Databases For AFRICAN American Studies.

Lecture by Dr. Reginald Adkisson

January 2009
Perceptions of criminal behavior by both the perpetrators themselves and society at large will be the subject of a lecture by Dr. Reginald Adkisson entitled "Mirror, Mirror: How Society Sees Criminals, How They See Themselves" on Tuesday, February 10, 2009, at 3:00 pm in the Leslie F. Malpass Library, room 180.

Image of prison fence and tower with the text Lecture by Dr. Reginald Adkisson

Most Visited WIU Site for 2008

January 2009
The University Libraries web site, was the most visited of Western Illinois University's sites during 2008.

Image of a trophy with the text Most Visited Site For 2008!

Game Nite

January 2009
The first Game Nite of 2009 will occur on Thursday, February 5, from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm on the 3rd level of the Leslie F. Malpass Library.

Image of a video game controller facing one side of a chess board with the text Game Nite 02-05-2009.

Labor Leader Ben Fletcher

January 2009
In honor of Black History Month, the Western Illinois University Libraries are sponsoring a lecture by Dr. Peter Cole, Associate Professor in the Department of History, entitled "Ben Fletcher: America's Foremost Black Labor Leader of the Progressive Era," on Thursday, February 5, 2009, at 3:00 pm in the Leslie F. Malpass Library, room 180.

Image of a pair of boots and a hard hat with the text lecture on labor leader Ben Fletcher.

The Rape of Europa

January 2009
The Western Illinois University Libraries are sponsoring a viewing and panel discussion of the award-winning documentary The Rape of Europa on Wednesday, February 4, 2009, at 7:00 pm in the Sandburg Theater of the University Union.

Stylized illustration of Hitler's face with text of famous artist's names filling in the shape of the face and the text The Rape of Europa Film Viewing.

Watch The Inauguration Here!

January 2009
The inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States of America will be shown live in the Leslie F. Malpass Library on Tuesday, January 20th, 2009, at 10:30 am, both in the Garden Lounge (2nd level) and on the 1st level television near the Malpass Mocha Cafe.

Image of a television with Obama's face on the screen and the text Watch the inauguration here!


January 2009
The annual Western Illinois University Libraries Book & Media Sale will take place February 2nd through February 5th, 2009, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm in the staff lounge on the 1st level of the Leslie F. Malpass Library.

Price tags with the text book sale Feb. 2nd - 5th.

New Items!

January 2009
Newly acquired items for the month of December, 2008 have now been listed!

Newly aquired items for the month of December, 2008

WIU Music Library Celebrates Messiaen Centennial

January 2009
The Western Illinois University Music Library, located in Sallee Hall, is honoring Olivier Messiaen through the end of January 2009 with a display featuring musical scores, recordings of his music, and writings about the composer.

Image of a song bird with the text Honoring Olivier Messiaen.

Gaming Page Goes Live

January 2009
The WIU Libraries have just unveiled a new website devoted to the gaming collection in the Leslie F. Malpass Library as well as the much-acclaimed "Game Nite" series.

Image of a video game controller facing one side of a chess board with the text Game Site Now Live!.

Research Workshops for Graduate Students

January 2009
The Malpass Library is once again hosting workshops to help graduate students learn about the services, collections, and research opportunities available through the Western Illinois University Libraries.

Image of a man researching some books with the text research workshops.