Meet Erin Waters

Erin Waters is currently a library intern working with Dr. William Thompson, associate professor in the University Libraries. Erin, who hails from Anchorage, Alaska, and has lived in both North and South Dakota, is a graduate student in Western's Department of English and Journalism, specializing in cultural studies. She has studied in Denmark and enjoys crochet, speaking Danish, the Pixies (one of our favorite rock bands in the University Libraries), and, of course, crocheting while speaking Danish and listening to the Pixies.
Her internship has been spent working on collection development, web design, Reference Desk assistance, and other projects while learning all about academic librarianship directly from librarians on the job. As a graduate student thinking of becoming a librarian herself, she welcomes the experience, noting that "It's exciting working with the technology here and combining these new skills with my academic and professional interests." Importantly, Erin is also receiving course credit for her internship.
If you are a Western Illinois University student who would like to know more about internships in the University Libraries, please contact our Administration Office at 309-298-2762 for more information. Maybe you, someday, can be like Erin.
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