2000 Library News Archive
History Databases Online
November 2000
The University Library now provides online access to
America: History and Life
Historical Abstracts
. Previously available only via CD-ROM in the library, the new WWW interface provides campus-wide access to these important history resources.
More "Full-Text" Physics Articles
October 3, 2000
The University Library has obtained electronic access to eight Institute of Physics (IOP) journals (c. 1990 to the present) including New Journal of Physics, European Journal of Physics, Semiconductor Science and Technology, and Superconductor Science and Technology. IOP compliments the library's recent subscriptions to AIP and APS. These services provide online access to "full-text" journal articles in the discipline of physics.
New Music Library Homepage
September 2000
The WIU Music Library has unveiled a new homepage. Music Library information resources are now more accessible due to the new organizational design. Visit the Music Library Online!
New ILLINET Web Interface
July 18, 2000
WIU's online catalog has received a facelift due to a recent upgrade of the Web2 interface by the ILCSO consortium. The new interface features improved functionality and ease of use. Explore ILLINET on the Web!
Secure ILL Forms
June 2000
WIU library patrons now have the option of using secure electronic forms when requesting materials via Interlibrary Loan. Secure submissions are encrypted to protect against information being intercepted during delivery over the Internet. Netscape 4.7+ or Internet Explorer 4.0+ browsers are required.
Library Distance Education Webpage
June 2000
The University Library's Distance Education Task Force has developed a distance education webpage that organizes the library's many distance education services and resources in one convenient location. New Interlibrary Loan forms designed for the special needs of distance learners are among the many services available.
Full Text Master List -- Updated & Keyword Search!
May 2000
The library's Full-Text Master List has been updated to include hundreds of new full-text periodical titles (providing access to thousands of new full-text articles online). The list includes the full-text titles from recently acquired online library subscription databases including: Academic Search Elite (over 1,250 titles), Business Source Elite (over 900 titles), Academic Universe via Lexis-Nexis (4,000+ titles) and many more. The Master List now offers improved access with a search engine feature enabling title searching by keyword.
New EBSCO Databases
March 2000
Funded by the Illinois Digital Academic Library, the University Library has recently gained access to several full-text databases from EBSCO including: Academic Search Elite, Business Source Elite, and Newspaper Source.
New Full-Text Chemistry Titles
March 2000
The University Library (through the Illinois Cooperative Collection Program) has obtained electronic access to over 25 American Chemical Society (ACS) journals (1996 to the present) including Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Environmental Science and Technology, and the Journal of the American Chemical Society.
New Library Food/Drink Policy
February 2000
The University Library has adopted a new policy governing food and drink in the library.
Biography & Genealogy Master Index
February 2000
The BGMI subscription database, previously available in CD-ROM format, is now available online via the Library website. This vital reference source will lead you to biographical sources on every personality from Moses to Napoleon to Freud.
New Library Website
January 12, 2000
The revised format provides improved access to library information resources and services.
Academic Universe New!
January 2000
Academic Universe offers full-text access to a wide variety of information sources. The database features sources in the categories of news, business, law, medicine and general reference. (Available via WIU logins only.)
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