Citation & Cite Checking

Introduction to Basic Legal Citation
(2002-03 ed.) by Peter W. Martin (Cornell Law School)
This is a citation primer based on the seventeenth edition of the Harvard Bluebook.
Bieber's Dictionary of Legal Citations
Lookup how to cite any legal authority; based upon the Sixteenth Edition of the Harvard Bluebook.
LEGLREF. KF 246 .P73 1997, located at the Reference Desk, 2nd floor.
Bieber's Dictionary of Legal Abbreviations
Lookup legal abbreviations and acronyms used in legal literature.
REF. KF 246 .B46 2001, located at the Reference Desk, 2nd floor.
Bieber's Dictionary of Legal Abbreviations Reversed
Find which abbreviations and acronyms to use when citing legal literature.
REF. K 89 .K37 1994, located at the Reference Desk, 2nd floor.
Shepard's Citations
via Nexis Uni
"Shepardize" cases online.