Citation & Cite Checking
Introduction to Basic Legal Citation
- (2002-03 ed.) by Peter W. Martin (Cornell Law School)
- This is a citation primer based on the seventeenth edition of the Harvard Bluebook.
- Bieber's Dictionary of Legal Citations
- Lookup how to cite any legal authority; based upon the Sixteenth Edition of the Harvard Bluebook.
- LEGLREF. KF 246 .P73 1997, located at the Reference Desk, 2nd floor.
- Bieber's Dictionary of Legal Abbreviations
- Lookup legal abbreviations and acronyms used in legal literature.
- REF. KF 246 .B46 2001, located at the Reference Desk, 2nd floor.
- Bieber's Dictionary of Legal Abbreviations Reversed
- Find which abbreviations and acronyms to use when citing legal literature.
- REF. K 89 .K37 1994, located at the Reference Desk, 2nd floor.
- Shepard's Citations
Nexis Uni
- "Shepardize" cases online.
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