Operation Desert Shield/Storm
A Guide to Selected Government Information Available at WIU's Government Publications Library
Web version of this guide includes links to web resources.
Federal Government Information
- Conduct of the Persian Gulf War: Final Report to Congress
- A three volume set which evaluated virtually every facet of the United States war effort. Also included is the United Nations Resolutions on Iraq, and a critique of the general preparedness of the United States force. 1992.
- D 1.2: P 43 WIU (v. 1,2,3)
- Dependence on the Persian Gulf
- A revealing study conducted prior to the Operation Desert Shield/Storm campaigns that reports on the vulnerability and dependence of the United States and its allies on oil from the Persian Gulf region. 1988.
- E 3.26/5: ICID/88-01 (microfiche)
- Operation Desert Shield/Storm: Cost and Funding Requirements
- Includes the statistical breakdown of the financial contributions that were made for both Operations (Shield and Storm). Includes background information, the incremental cost estimates, the matters for Congressional consideration (including the scope and methodology), as well as the results. 1991.
- GA 1.13: NSAID-91-304 (microfiche)
- Foreign Contributions to the Costs of the Persian Gulf War
- The purpose of this hearing is to review the status of foreign pledges and contributions received for the United States' costs of financing the Persian Gulf War, in order to ascertain whether additional legislative action is appropriate. 1991.
- Y 4. W 36: 102-65
- Use of Military Force Against Iraq
- Communication from the President of the United States transmitting his notification directing U.S. Armed forces to commence combat operations on January 16, 1991, against Iraq. 1991.
- Y 1.1/7: 102-30 (microfiche)
- Operation Desert Shield: The Mobilization and Deployment of Reserve Component Units to the Persian Gulf, 1990-1991
- The purpose of this history is to record the activities of the Fourth United States Army in Operation Desert Shield during the period from August 2, 1990 to January 16, 1991. 1991.
- D 101.2: D 45/3
- Persian Gulf: The Questions of War Crimes
- A hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations that discusses the many options in regards to the punishments to be dictated to Iraq in general, and Saddam Hussein in particular.
- Y 4. F 76/2: S.hrg. 102-102
Periodical Articles
- "VII Corps in the Gulf War" January, February, and June 1992
- Three-part article chronicling the actions of the VII Corps during the Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. The articles address the deployment, planning and preparations of Desert Shield, the actions during the ground campaign of Desert Storm, and the Corps' post-cease-fire actions.
- D 110.7: 72/1 (p. 2-16), 72/2 (p. 16-37), 72/6 (p. 2-19).
- Military Review
- "Monmouth Technology: MSE Key to Desert Storm Communications". Spring 1991. Describes the Mobile Subscriber Equipment (MSE) system, the army's newest battlefield phone system, and how it has aided various troops stationed in the battlefield in Operation Desert Storm.
- D 111.14: 16/2 (p. 14-15).
- Army Communicator
- "Desert Storm: Lessons for the Logistician". Autumn 1991. Provides observations on what was learned from Desert Storm and therefore might help other leaders in the logistics arena to train and plan for future deployment and operations. Outlines equipment, soldier skills, unit defense training, maintenance and unit supply among others.
- D 106.3/4: 991/3 (p. 13-16).
- Quartermaster Professional Bulletin
- "Iraq Responsible for U.S. Hostages". September 1990. Includes remarks made to member of Congress by President Bush in which he clearly outlines the United States' objective. Also included are country profiles of Iraq and Kuwait (profiles contain information on geography, people, government, economy, and International affiliations). In addition, there is a map of Iraq which display the major outlets for oil.
- S 1.3/5: 1/2 (p. 75-84). U.S. Department of State DISPATCH
Rand Collection Publications
- Desert Storm and its Meaning- The View from Moscow
- This report assesses how Russian defense experts have drawn policy-useful conclusions from Operation Desert Storm. 1992.
- R-4164-AF
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