Building A Career in Community and Economic Development
Career Opportunities
Jobs in the field are diverse. Community and economic developers work in community-based organizations; city, state, and federal government agencies; foundations; social service agencies; banks; utilities; think tanks; investment firms; and universities.
To view more job postings visit Planetizen.
Program Goals and Learning Objectives
The Master of Community and Economic Development Degree Program focuses on enhancement of skills in 5 categories.
Program Goal: Category #1 - Community Development Skills
A graduate will learn to:
- Implement Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) Programs
- Conduct strategic visioning, appreciative inquiry, and other community engagement programs
- Build grassroots community support for initiatives
- Apply systems thinking to community development
Program Goal: Category #2 - Economic Development Skills
A graduate will learn to:
- Market and recruit for businesses
- Respond to request for proposal (RFP) for a business location project
- Construct a complex financing package for a project
- Utilize state and federal incentive programs
Program Goal: Category #3 - Knowledge of Community and Economic Development
A graduate will understand:
- Factors that impact a small economy, models of how a small economy works
- Approaches to CED, including self-help, technical assistance, and conflict
- Tax Incremental Financing (TIF) Districts, Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), government bonds, and other financing instruments
- Zoning, land use, and comprehensive planning
Program Goal: Category #4 - Analytical and Research Skills
A graduate will learn to:
- Conduct analyses, including workforce, demographic, retail, and economic impact
- Analyze a community's power structure
- Interpret and analyze financial statements
- Design and implement an evaluation process to measure the success of initiatives
Program Goal: Category #5 - Communication Skills
A graduate will learn to:
- Communicate skillfully in oral and online presentations and conversations
- Network and interact effectively with community leaders, other development professionals, and business leaders
- Work effectively with communities organized around social media and social networks
- Think critically and holistically about the impact of projects
"Community engagement requires a lot of passion, dedication, commitment, and working well beyond the call of the clock." - Joseph Francis
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