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University Singers: MUS 106 (Meets MWF 1:00-1:50 PM & T/Th 12:30-1:45 PM, Location: Browne Hall 130)

The audition for the Western Illinois University Singers is a video-recorded online submission. All students interested in auditioning for the University Singers will be required to submit a video recording via an unlisted YouTube link. This link will be submitted within the WIU Choirs Audition Form.

Auditions must be submitted by 8:00 AM on Sunday, January 12, 2025. 



  1. Auditions must be recorded in one take and as if they were "live" auditions. There should be no stopping or editing within the recording.
  2. Be sure your torso and head/neck are clearly visible in the recording the entire time.
  3. Be sure the lighting is adequate and that you are using the highest quality video/audio recording equipment possible (most newer phones, tablets, and computers will work just fine). Do not submit your first take. Be sure to submit your best take after multiple attempts in order to demonstrate your current skills.
  4. Please wear appropriate apparel, and be sure to watch your recording to ensure you can easily be seen and heard.
  5. Download and practice with the recorded accompaniment prior to making the recording.



  1. Start your video recording by stating your name and prepared voice part (e.g., "Hello, my name is Jon Smith, and I will be auditioning on Soprano 1").
  2. On the vowel "ee" or "ah," perform a two-octave major scale starting on the pitch E, F, F#, G, Ab, or A. Please choose a note/key that demonstrates your singable and sustainable range. Soprano/Alto voices should not sing above C6. Tenor/Bass voices should not sing above C5. You can begin on the starting pitch and descend an octave first and then begin on the same starting pitch and ascend an octave. For example, a soprano/alto voice could start on F4 and descend an octave to F3, and then begin on F4 again and ascend an octave F5. Please record yourself singing expressively at the tempo marking quarter note = 70. This scale should display your vocal range, vocal technique, vocal quality consistency, and expressive ability.
  3. When ready to record the audition selection, be sure to have the accompaniment playing so that we can hear you and the recording. Do not use headphones while recording. You should play the recording from a different device than the one you are recording on.
  4. If you have a talent grant or are interested in Chamber Singers, move on to record the Chamber Singers excerpt below.
  5. If not recording another excerpt, upload your completed recording to YouTube and share it via an unlisted YouTube link within the WIU Choirs Audition Form. Be sure to not have it listed as private or public. For help with your upload visit: "How to upload unlisted videos to YouTube".

Auditions must be submitted by 8:00 AM on Sunday, January 12, 2025. 

Selection Criteria:

  • Vocal quality choice/suitability and consistency (Does the vocal quality chosen/prepared match the stylistic components of the repertoire and remain consistent throughout the selection).
  • Musicianship skills (including elements of diction and expression).
  • Intonation (ability to sing in tune with oneself and others as applicable).
  • Pitch and rhythmic accuracy (including consistent tempo).


Chamber Singers: MUS 108   (Meets MWF from 12:00-12:50 PM in Browne Hall 130)

**In order to audition for Chamber Singers, you must also submit an audition for University Singers. See above requirements**

  1. Same as the University Singers audition above except there is no additional scale necessary. Video record yourself singing with the "accompaniment" recording below on your preferred voice part.
  2. You can submit two separate video links on the same information form, or you can record both selections in one video.

Auditions must be submitted by 8:00 AM on Sunday, January 12, 2025.  

Selection Criteria (same as above but at a more advanced level):
  • Vocal quality choice/suitability and consistency  (Does the vocal quality chosen/prepared match the stylistic components of the repertoire and remain consistent throughout the selection).
  • Musicianship skills  (including elements of diction and expression).
  • Intonation  (ability to sing in tune with oneself and others as applicable).
  • Pitch and rhythmic accuracy  (including consistent tempo).


Concert Choir: MUS 105 (Meets MWF from 2:00-2:50 PM in Browne Hall Room 130)

Non-auditioned; simply register and attend the first class meeting on MONDAY, January 13, 2025, 2:00-2:50 PM!

Treble Choir: MUS 110 (Meets Tuesdays from 6:00-7:30 PM in Browne Hall Room 130)

Non-auditioned; simply register and attend the first class meeting on Tuesday, January 14, 2025, 6:00-7:30 PM!


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