University Teacher Education Committee Members


Lauren Armstead - Student Representative

Andrew Baker - Agriculture

Laura Barden-Gabbei - Ex-Officio representing SEDG

Ginny Boynton - History

Christie Carmack - Recording Secretary, COEHS Dean’s Office

Rori Carson - COEHS Dean’s Office

Cindy Dooley - Curriculum and Instruction

Ryan Foster - Student Representative

Ritchie Gabbei - Kinesiology

Ruth M Kelly - Psychology

Christine Lapka - Music

Reinhard Lindner - Educational and Interdisciplinary Studies

Robert Mann - Math

Darlos Mummert - Special Education

Louise Neff - Macomb School District #185

James Olsen - Math (on sabbatical)

Jessica Orris - Macomb School District #185

Missy Phillips - CPEP

Alene Reuschel - Superintendent, Macomb Schools

Jacqlin Richmond - Field and Clinical Experiences

Sterling Saddler - COEHS Dean’s Office

Kaylyn Schiber - Student Representative

Bonnie Sonnek - English