Educator Preparation


Candidates in the Western Illinois University Teacher Education Program (TEP) are required to file a Student Teaching Application one (1) year in advance of the student teaching semester. The information in the application is used by the Office of Teacher Education to place candidates in a student teaching site and finalize field supervisor staffing therefore, meeting the application deadline is critical for everyone’s success and a smooth transition into the clinical experience.

Student Teaching Application Components:

  • Part I:  Application Information & Signature Form
  • Part II: Student Teaching Region/Placement Preference Form
  • Part III: Letter of Application
  • Part IV: Resume

Student Teaching Application Submission Deadlines:

  • October 1 - Candidates scheduled to student teach in the Fall Semester
  • March 1 - Candidates scheduled to student teach in the Spring Semester

In the rare circumstance in which you do not meet this deadline, a petition process is required.



Refer to the application packet you received at the clinical/student teaching meeting for specific instructions on completing the application.

All materials contained in the Clinical/Student Teaching Application must be completed on a computer. Parts I, II , are to be downloaded from this site. You must have the newest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader to be able to save your document or complete the application in one of the computer labs on campus that already has the newest version installed.

  1. Open the pdf document and immediately save it to the desktop or your own thumb drive.
  2. Open your saved file and begin filling in the personal information. Be sure to proofread your material before you print and save it.
  3. Complete all editable fields.
  4. Use the mouse or TAB key to move from one section to another.
  5. Do not type anything outside of the provided boxes. Size of the box indicates maximum amount of information that can be entered and what will be printed.

COPIES: Two (2) copies of PART I, II, III and IV must be submitted to the appropriate teacher education advisor in the Office of Teacher Education, Horrabin Hall 40, or QC Advisor, Kim Moreno on or before the publicized deadline date. Please paperclip into two individual packets. No two-sided copying. (If the printer in the lab you are using prints on both sides of the paper, go to another lab).

Click here for the TRADITIONAL Clinical/Student Teaching Application Part I and II:



Click here for the PARAPROFESSIONAL Clinical/Student Teaching Application Part I and II:


 Contact Us

If you have questions relating to field experiences, contact:

Lisa Litchfield
Coordinator University Field and Student Clinical Experiences
Horrabin Hall 40
(Office) 309-298-2117

 Macomb School Faculty Form