Educator Preparation
Background Investigation
Teacher Education candidates are expected to comply with the fingerprint criminal background investigation report requirements as set forth by the University Committee on Educator Preparation. Prior to any field work in schools/agencies, candidates are to supply verification of having completed the fingerprint criminal investigation report to the placement site. Candidates may be prohibited from completing field work if background investigations disclose arrests and/or convictions deemed problematic. Information may be obtained in Horrabin Hall 40; questions may be directed to the Licensure Officer--298-2117. Candidates must complete the fingerprint criminal investigation report for each new district.
Your instructor for your field experience will phone the school district’s main office and ask if there are procedures the district has in place to obtain the state and FBI fingerprint-based background check for candidates. If the school district has procedures in place, we will follow their procedures.
If the school district has not established procedures for securing state and FBI fingerprint-based criminal background for field experience candidates, the instructor will ask if candidates can complete the state and FBI background check using the services of the local Regional Office of Education (ROE). See
The results of the fingerprint-based criminal background check are only sent to the school district. You will not receive a copy of the background check nor will WIU.
When being fingerprinted, candidates should anticipate being asked to provide a Government issued ID (Drivers License of Government issued ID Card - a school ID card is NOT an acceptable form of ID). The fee is payable at the time of printing, usually by cash, money order, or credit/debit card. Most fingerprint vendors do not accept personal checks.
Fingerprinting is available in Macomb:
- The Regional Office of Education, located at 130 S. Lafayette, Suite 200, Monday thru Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 and 1:30-3:00 p.m. Cash or money order payable to Regional Office of Education #26 ($70). An additional $1.75 will be charged when using credit/debit card. No personal checks accepted. Directions: Go east on Adams Street to Lafayette Street, turn south on Lafayette to Macomb Square. ROE Office is in the first block south of the square (second floor--above Advanced Rehab Services).
Fingerprinting is available in Atkinson:
The Regional Office of Education, located at 107 S. State Street, Atkinson, IL . Cash or money order. Please call ahead to see if they are open (309-936-7890).
Accepting or rejecting a candidate for field work/student teaching is the decision of the school district and not a decision that WIU can legally make.
Questions concerning this process may be directed to the Office of Teacher Education in Horrabin Hall 40 or 309-298-2117
Advising Contact Information
Kim Moreno
Teacher Education Advisor
Bilingual/English as a Second Language
Elementary Education
Quad Cities Campus
(309) 762-9481 ext.62325
Schedule an Appointment
Jeanne Gage
Teacher Education Advisor
Middle Level Education, Bilingual/English as a Second Language, Early Childhood, Elementary, Physical Education, Special Education
Macomb Campus
Horrabin Hall 40
(309) 298-2117
Schedule an Appointment
Advising Quick Links
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- Undergraduate Catalog
Teachers interested in other endorsement areas should contact the licensure office at (309) 298-2117
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