Science Education Courses

The Science Education faculty teach a variety of courses for the undergraduate Elementary, Early Childhood, Special Education & Middle Level Education programs as well as the graduate Curriculum and Instruction program in the School of Education.


SCED 352: Methods for Teaching Science PreK–2nd Grade. (3) Methods and content for planning, implementing, and assessing science curriculum when teaching children in PreK through second grade. 

SCED 364: Introductory Science Methods. (3) Introduces the nature of science and science education by exploring various issues and approaches relevant to elementary science instruction. Emphasis is  placed on contemporary programs which stress direct experience and activity-based learning.

SCED 464: Integrating Science Through Inquiry. (3) Demonstrates how teachers can utilize the processes of inquiry to integrate the various science disciplines— physical, life, earth, and environmental—to  provide appropriate science learning experience in the elementary and middle level classroom. SCED 464 coursepacket (2016) ; SCED 464 Power Point

SCED 465: Middle Level Science Methods. (3) Methods and content for deepening teacher candidate understanding of how the practices of inquiry are applied in the major science disciplines. Provides  appropriate learning experiences specific to the middle level classroom.


SCED 509: Inquiry Into Science Assessment in the Elementary Classroom. (3) This course is designed to provide students with an in-depth study of the assessment of science in the elementary classroom.  Topics include the nature of science assessment, types and purposes of assessment, assessment design, and use of assessment data. Through an inquiry approach, students will plan, develop, and implement science assessments in their own elementary classrooms to measure student performance, enhance student learning, and improve teaching practices.

SCED 511: Science Through Children’s Literature. (3) Using a constructive approach, this course integrates the use of fiction and nonfiction for teaching science content within the context of the Next Generation Science Standards.

SCED 562: Science Curriculum in the Elementary School. (3) An analysis of the latest curriculum innovations in elementary science education, and the application of recent discoveries in learning theory to the teaching of elementary science. Emphasis will be placed on the development of a contemporary philosophy of elementary science and its contribution to the total science program.

SCED 602: Practicum in Science Education. (3) Direct internship experience in a science education program at the local district level under the guidance of a qualified field representative.