College Student Personnel Graduate Program
Michelle Janisz
Adjunct Faculty
Director of New Student and Family Programs
Ph.D. Illinois State University
Dr. Michelle Janisz (MJ) has over 35 years experience in higher education. She has a B.S. degree in Speech Communication from Northern Michigan University, an M.S. degree in Counseling in Higher Education from Central Michigan University and her Ph.D in Educational Administration from Illinois State University. She has worked in various areas of student affairs including housing and residence life, leadership, orientation programs, alcohol and other drug education, and spent over 20 years working directly with fraternity and sorority life on four different college campuses.
MJ came to Western Illinois University in 2001 where she served as Assistant Director for Greek Life Programs. She left to pursue her Doctorate at Illinois State University in 2005 while serving as Director of Greek Affairs. She returned to WIU in 2011 as Director of the Office of Student Activities. In 2020, she transferred over to lead the New Student and Family Programs office which coordinates summer, fall and spring orientation programs, Camp Leatherneck, provides resources for specialized populations including First Gen and Transfer students and coordinates the Parent and Family Association.
Dr. Janisz also serves as an adjunct professor in the College Student Personnel program at Western Illinois University where she currently teaches Introduction to Higher Education in Student Affairs and supervises the students’ practicum experiences. She has also taught Law in Higher Education and facilitated the Internship Seminar course.
MJ has a strong passion for working with student leaders and values the experience these students provide to their organization members and the general study body. She fully believes that the student experience outside the classroom helps shape thoughtful, reflective and successful individuals capable of achieving whatever they wish to accomplish.
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