College of Education & Human Services

College Student Personnel
External Graduate Assistantship Program

Thank you for your interest in the external graduate assistantship program at Western Illinois University. We are excited to highlight how this unique program can benefit your institution.

  • This initiative enables external institutions to provide meaningful employment and practical experience to individuals they have selected as valuable additions to their team.
  • As part-time employees working up to 20 hours per week, external graduate assistants actively contribute to your organization on-site while pursuing their online master’s degree in College Student Personnel from Western Illinois University.
  • Colleges from coast to coast are eligible to participate. Students may hold external assistantships in various offices on their campus, including admissions, housing, student activities, and athletics.

Western Illinois University has offered the CSP degree for over 50 years, and the shift to an online format was accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, allowing students greater flexibility in their education. In this program, your graduate assistants will meet via Zoom with their cohort for four Saturdays each semester, with the remainder of their coursework conducted online. They typically enroll in three classes (approximately 9 credits) during the fall and spring semesters, and 1-2 classes (3-6 credits) during the summer.

This program has worked exceptionally well for individuals pursuing a career in athletic coaching.

The external assistantship opportunity is an excellent choice for GA coaches, offering a vital theory-to-practice knowledge base that supports the development and growth of student-athletes. This program allows them to apply theoretical knowledge from class to their campus settings, fostering their professional development while positively impacting the athletic community.

Learn about Hunter and Leah, two alumni of the external assistantship program who successfully transitioned into their professional careers as assistant coaches after graduating from the CSP program. Both completed their graduate assistantships in athletics at Augustana College while studying online at Western Illinois University.

How Does It Work?

We are especially focused on recruiting students from liberal arts institutions that do not have their own graduate programs in student affairs or higher education. We understand that recruiting staff can be challenging, so we aim to make this opportunity appealing by allowing you to develop your own team while offering a high-quality master’s degree at no cost for tuition.

Here's how the process works:

  1. Let us know if you’re interested in our program. Our department chair, Dr. Jeff Hancks, is available to discuss logistics and answer any questions you may have. You can complete our interest form, and we will reach out to you.
  2. You would then identify individuals who would make excellent graduate assistants for your student affairs offices. If you have student leaders you’d like to retain within the institution, this is a great way to keep that talent.
  3. Once you've identified those individuals, have them apply to the CSP Program.
  4. Once they've gone through the admissions process and are accepted, you sign a contract with the WIU Graduate School for the assistantship.
  5. WIU waives tuition. Really.

A few important things of note:

  • Employers pay the monthly GA stipend. (As of July 2024, it is $816 per month for 13 hours per week, or $1,224 per month for 20 hours per week. Both options are eligible for the tuition waiver).
  • Students are responsible for paying fees (around $98/credit hour).
  • Cohorts for the external assistantship program begin every fall.
  • GA contracts are for eight months each academic year. It takes most students two years (including summers) to complete the program. Summer tuition is covered under the GA contract.

Contact Dr. Jeff Hancks, Department Chair, at (309) 762-9481 or for more details.

To start in fall 2025, students should have their applications submitted by May 1, 2025

What Are My Obligations?

In addition to providing a monthly stipend, institutions are responsible for ensuring their graduate assistants have a fulfilling co-curricular and employment experience. Here are some additional expectations we have for our partnership with you:

  • Supervision and Mentorship: You provide adequate supervision and mentorship. This includes assigning experienced staff to guide and support graduate assistants in their roles.
  • Training and Professional Development: You are responsible for offering training sessions and professional development opportunities that align with the goals of the assistantship. (CSP provides all students in our program a complimentary ACPA membership and also shares virtual professional development opportunities.)
  • Clear Job Descriptions: You create a clear and comprehensive job description outlining the responsibilities, expectations, and goals for the position.
  • Evaluation and Feedback: You conduct regular evaluations to assess the graduate assistant's performance. This includes constructive feedback to help students grow in their roles.
  • Integration with Academic Programs: You ensure the assistantship experience aligns with the academic goals of the CSP program, providing opportunities for practical application of theory to practice.
  • Support for Work-Life Balance: You promote a healthy work-life balance, recognizing the graduate assistant's dual role as a student and employee.
  • Reporting and Documentation: You maintain records and submit reports regarding the progress and outcomes of the assistantship to the CSP program. This usually involves a midyear review of the student's performance and an end of the year review.

The graduate assistant will receive their monthly stipend through WIU by submitting a time card via Western's system.

Benefits of an External Assistantship

  • You pay a monthly stipend for graduate assistants while WIU covers the tuition through a waiver.

  • Enhanced Staffing Flexibility: You fill staffing gaps with graduate assistants who will contribute to projects and programs without the long-term commitment of full-time hires.
  • Cost-Effective Support: You gain additional support for operations without incurring the full costs associated with hiring permanent staff.
  • You develop your team, equipping them with the key skills for a successful career in student affairs, while providing them with a high-quality, tuition-free master’s degree from WIU.
  • You hire graduate students who apply student development, organizational, and leadership theory to strategies designed to promote student success and retention.
  • You partner with faculty experts who remain up-to-date in the field of student affairs and higher education through ongoing scholarship and service.