Agriculture Internship Summary

Appendix G (120 pts.)

Due within 10 days of end of internship.

The internship summary should be written during the last week of the internship and is due to the faculty supervisor 10 days after completion of the internship. It should be typed and written in essay form. Timeliness, writing quality and style will be a part of the grade.

The internship summary should be an analysis of the internship experience, and should address the following items:

  1. The cover page must include course title and number, cooperating business/agency and address, name of cooperating supervisor, your name, date, and faculty supervisor's name.
  2. The purpose and objectives of the internship.
  3. A summary description of the agricultural business or agency--include their mission.
  4. A statement about each area of the agricultural business/agency and how it operates.
  5. A summary description of what was learned during the internship.
  6. Special highlights that occurred.
  7. Areas or skills in which personal and professional improvement was acquired.
  8. Attitudes and perceptions about the experience and career field that developed as a result of the internship experience.
  9. Areas of study at WIU that would assist in the chosen career.
  10. Suggestions and recommendations for improving the internship experience and the structure of the program (other than classes/academics).
  11. Conclusion.