Agriculture Internship Benefits
A student can:
- Obtain new knowledge, skills, and work experiences.
- Develop professional networks and contacts.
- Gain an understanding of the relationship between classroom theory and practical application.
- Test career objectives realistically.
- Develop professional work habits.
- Improve interpersonal relations.
- Become acquainted with people employed in professional occupations.
- Prepare for a smooth transition into full-time employment.
- Earn funds to partially support a college education.
- Retain student status while learning on the job.
An employer can:
- Establish a pool of potential employees who have demonstrated their abilities.
- Educate highly motivated students.
- Benefit from an introduction of fresh, new ideas.
- Develop an efficient training program.
- Use internships as a recruiting tool on campus.
The WIU School of Agriculture can:
- Receive student feedback which can effect curriculum change.
- Reinforce positive relationships with the business community.
- Increase rapport with community interests and encourage community support for University programs.
- Demonstrate WIU’s concerns and support in the individuality of the student.
- Develop agriculture industry clientele for WIU internship opportunities.
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