Agriculture Internship Report Format

Appendix F-2


Joe Intern
1273 Red Brick Rd
Macomb, IL 61455


XYZ Brand Seeds
900 Susan Court
Macomb, IL 61455


Frank Super

A. Log of Hours Worked for Week #3 (May 30-June5)
Date Hours
Monday June 6 8
Tuesday June 7 10
Wednesday June 8 7
Thursday June 9 4
Friday June 10 4
Saturday June 11 10
Sunday June 12 0
Total Hours 43
B. Report of Activities and Knowledge Gained for Week #3 (May 30-June5)

This section should include a narrative of the week’s activities and should relate to how you are meeting the objectives in your training plan. This could be in the format of several paragraphs or as a daily log as in the following example:

Monday-Today was a slow day due to the rain. It’s too wet to be in the fields so it was a good day to catch up on paperwork. Frank and I did get a chance to look at some soybeans that were just emerging but had a slug feeding problem.

Tuesday-I rode with Clayton Becker (another Field Sales Manager) and met contacts that I will be working with in his area this summer. I met Dave Smith from Northern FS, Jeff Jackson and Dave and Dave Jr. from Giles Farms. Later we looked at a field with a Japanese beetle larvae problem with Doug Dauphin from the DeLong Co. We learned about some of these problems in Dr. Roskamp’s classes, but it is really interesting to see real life examples and how our company and growers deal with them.

Wednesday-I rode with Frank again today and met some more people we will be working with this summer. We toured the Company Field Test Station near Shabbona so I could get an idea of what was going on there. Then we inspected some mouse damaged seed bags at UAP Richter. It’s interesting to see how Frank handles these situations.

Thursday-I rode with Andy Asbury, a WIU graduate, today and met contacts in his area. We also inspected side-by-side plots of XYZ and competitors hybrids at Nick Jones’s place. Nick is one of our better growers and farmer dealers. We will be working a lot with him and his customers this summer.

Friday-Totally rained out today.

Saturday-Day off

Sunday-Day off

C. Activities planned for Week # 4

Monday I will go down to Andy’s area to meet some more of his dealers. Your on site visit is scheduled for Tuesday. Then I will drive to Stanton, MN Tuesday afternoon for a company internship training program, which will run from Wednesday morning to noon on Friday. I will drive back Friday afternoon and make farm visits with Frank in his area on Saturday.

D. Analysis of One Component of the Organization

Intellectual Property Rights:

Agreements relating to the licensing and use of intellectual property rights (patents, plant variety rights, trademarks, designs, copyrights, know-how and trade secrets) may be subject to special rules and considerations that affect antitrust risk. All such agreements should be reviewed in advance by company legal counsel. Information is from the XYZ Policy Manual.

E. General Assessment of the Intern’s Satisfaction with the Internship

I am pleased so far with the way the internship is progressing. I have made a lot of personal contacts already and had the chance to work with several of the area sales managers, dealers, and customers. Frank is a really great supervisor. He’s a good teacher and explains things well: for example, when we were out looking at a field where a customer had a problem with poor emergence. It was a great learning experience for me to see him analyze this situation and relate to the customer. Once he explains things then he gives me the responsibility to go out on my own. I’m looking forward to the company internship training next week.

E-mail the reports before 1:00 pm of the following Monday to Dr. Dan Atherton: