Agriculture Internship Special Project Report

Appendix E-3

Heading: Intern Name and Date of final report

Title: Special Project Title

Introduction: The special project report should first restate the project plan (what you planned to do). Summarize what was accomplished in this special project.

  • Paragraph 2(P2): Explain why this particular project was chosen.
  • P3: Detail any changes made from Special Project Plan (App E-2) and why.
  • P4: Describe how you accomplished the plan; how long it took; who you contacted; what resources you used (e.g. internet, reference books, library, etc.).
  • P5: Describe your findings, include tables, graphs, charts or other documents.
  • P6: Describe how your special project can be used by your employer.

If the project follows the scientific method approach (scientific experiment or trial), use the following format.

  • Heading 1(H1): Summary: Summarize what was accomplished in this special project.
  • H2: Introduction: Explain the background that set up the experiment.
  • H3: Materials & Methods: Describe your data collection method.
  • H4: Results: Describe what was found in the experiment.
  • H5: Discussion: Describe your interpretation of your data and application.
  • H6: References: List all references including people resources