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Master of Arts in History


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The Department of History's M.A. program provides advanced education in the discipline of history to prepare students for careers in teaching, academia, law, public and government service, publishing, research, as well as other professions. The program trains students in the methodological components of academic history and in broad areas of historical study and analysis. The program also assists in the professional development of full-time teachers and other educators, and provides a basis for further graduate study.

The programs provide an alternative to traditional programs by preparing students who would pursue a career in business, industry, or government, as well as to train mathematicians who would pursue further study towards a doctoral degree. The program offers a flexible course structure, built on core courses and focus area courses from your choice of a wide range of specializations as well as three plans of study: thesis, applied project, or general coursework.


The graduate program serves the needs of various students seeking advanced training in the discipline of History. Some graduate students in the program take classes part-time in conjunction with full-time employment in secondary education. Others seek to teach at the community college level, admission to doctoral programs, or other professional positions requiring critical reading and writing skills. A graduate degree in History is especially advantageous for the higher education professional, museum or historical site curator, editor of historical manuscripts journals or newsletters, archivist or public records keeper, historical preservationist, and the government, private or non-profit researcher.

View the admission requirements, degree requirements, and course descriptions in the Graduate Catalog.


The WIU History Department awards a limited number of two-year Teaching Support Associate (TSA) positions to the most outstanding students admitted to the History M.A. program. To apply, a student must complete the application available online. All forms, personal statements, and letters of recommendation should be sent to the Graduate School. Please request that your TSA application documents be forwarded to the History Department. Students may apply at any time; position availability varies, depending on the number of students continuing in TSA positions. In addition to the TSA positions awarded by the History Department, History M.A. students may seek funding opportunities throughout the University. In the past History M.A. students have worked as Graduate Assistants in Malpass Library, the University Writing Center, the Secondary Education Program, the WIU Foundation, and the Office of Academic Services. Graduate Assistants receive a monthly stipend in addition to tuition waivers.

Visit the School of Graduate Studies for information regarding Graduate Assistantships.

Complete the Application for Graduate Assistantship Form.

Integrated Bachelor/Master of Arts

The integrated baccalaureate and master’s degree program provides the opportunity for outstanding undergraduates to earn both degrees in five years. The accelerated pace by which a student would earn both history degrees suits those eager either to start a career in numerous fields, including public history, education, public service, non-profits and think tanks, or to pursue a Ph.D. in History. The completion of the program will enable a student to seek such opportunities earlier than those earning these degrees separately.

View the Graduate Catalog for the integrated program details.