Sean E. Jenkins, Professor
Director of Kibbe Life Science Station
Office: Waggoner Hall 214
(309) 298-2045
Personal Webpage:
Ph.D. - Missouri, 1997
Landscape and fire ecology, forest and grassland ecology, plant ecology
Courses Taught
- BOT 410 Plant Systematics
- BOT 451 Plant Ecology
Research Interests
Roles of historical fire regimes and subsequent fire suppression in the regeneration dynamics of savanna tree species and overall species diversity of overstory and herbaceous components of woodlands, savannas, and grasslands.
Hauk, A., S. A. Clark, K. W. McCravy, S. E. Jenkins, and C. Lydeard. 2015. A survey of terrestrial gastropods of the Alice L. Kibbe Life Science Station in West-Central Illinois. Northeastern Naturalist 22:299-306.
Ruskell-Lamer, A. D, Meiers, S.T, Jenkins, S.E. and R.M. Santymire. (2014) Effect of Bungee-carcass Enrichment on Behavior and Fecal Glucocorticoid Metabolites in Two Species of Zoo-housed Felids. ZooBiology 34(2): 170-177.
Sean E. Jenkins, Brian P. Jenkins, Samuel W. Jenkins, Chad R. Dolan, and John K. Tucker. 2008. Graptemys geographica (Common Map Turtle) geographic record. Herpetological Review 39(2):236.
Lamer, James T., Sean E. Jenkins, John K. Tucker, and Chad R. Dolan. 2008. Nerodia erythrogaster (Plain-bellied Watersnake) geographic record. Herpetological Review 39(2):242.
Meiers, Susan T., Sean E. Jenkins, and R.V. Anderson. 2008. Effect of Lock and Dam 19 on phytoplankton communities of the Upper Mississippi River. Northeastern Naturalist 15(3): 391-402.
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