Ranessa L. Cooper

Ranessa L. Cooper, Professor/Chair


Office: Waggoner Hall 313
Phone: (309) 298-2408
Email: RL-Cooper@wiu.edu


Ph.D. in Plant Biology, 2001, University of Alberta

B.S. and B.A. in Biology, 1997, Truman State University

Previous Positions

  • Professor of Biology and Director of Slayton Arboretum, Hillsdale College (2002 - 2018)
  • Curator of the Hillsdale College Herbarium, Hillsdale College (2012 - 2018)
  • Assistant Professor of Biology, University of Tennessee at Martin (2001 - 2002)


Taylor, M. L., R. L. Cooper, E.L. Schneider, and J. M. Osborn. 2015. Pollen structure and development in Nymphaeales: Insights into character evolution in an ancient angiosperm lineage. American Journal of Botany. 102(10): 1685-1702.

Little, S. A., B. Jacobs, S. J. McKechnie,R. L. Cooper, M. L. Christianson, and J. A. Jernstedt. 2013. Branch architecture in Ginkgo biloba L. – Wood anatomy and long shoot-short shoot interactions. American Journal of Botany. 100(10): 1923-1935.

Smith, S., S. Little, R. L. Cooper, R. J. Burnham, and R. A. Stockey. 2013. A ranunculalean liana stem from the Cretaceous of British Columbia, Canada: Atli morinii gen. et sp. nov. International Journal of Plant Sciences. 174(5): 818-831.

Edwards, M. D., R. L. Cooper, M. Serafin, and B. E. Toppen. 2012. Assessment of a novel reclamation effort in Grand Mere State Park. The Michigan Botanist. 51(2): 57-72.

Cooper, R. L., J. V. Ware, and D. D. Cass. 2004. Leaf thickness of Salix spp. (Salicaceae) from the Athabasca sand dunes of northern Saskatchewan, Canada. Canadian Journal of Botany. 82: 1682-1686.

Cooper, R. L. and D. D. Cass. 2003. A comparative epidermis study of the Athabasca sand dune willows (Salix; Salicaceae) and their putative progenitors. Canadian Journal of Botany. 81(7): 749-754.

Cooper, R. L. and D. D. Cass. 2001. Comparative evaluation of vessel elements in Salix spp. (Salicaceae) endemic to the Athabasca sand dunes of northern Saskatchewan, Canada.  American Journal of Botany. 88(4): 583-587.

Osborn, J. M., G. El-Ghazaly, and R. L. Cooper. 2001. Development of the exineless pollen wall in Callitrichaceae and the evolution of underwater pollination. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 228: 81-87.

Cooper, R. L., J. M. Osborn, and C. T. Philbrick. 2000. Comparative pollen morphology and ultrastructure of the Callitrichaceae.  American Journal of Botany. 87(2): 161-175.