Board of Trustees Regulations

The complete Board of Trustees Regulations are provided below in HTML format.  Additionally, each of the six sections of the Regulations are available as printable PDF files. If there are any discrepancies between the two versions, the printed form is to be considered definitive.

I. Board Procedures (Section I PDF)

  1. The Board of Trustees: Authority
    1. Powers and Duties
    2. Adoption, Amendment, and Repeal of Board Regulations
  2. Compilation of Bylaws and Regulations
  3. Delegation of Authority
  4. Board Meetings
    1. Agenda
    2. Reports
    3. Presentations
    4. Recordings of Meetings

II. Employees (Section II PDF)

  1. General
    1. Coverage
    2. Authority to Employ
    3. Delegation of Authority
    4. Categories of Employment
    5. Appointment Procedures
    6. Educational Requirements
    7. Position Descriptions
    8. Administrative Organization
    9. Employee Benefits
      9.1 Federal Family and Medical Leave Act
    10. Outside Employment
    11. Retirement
    12. Tax Deferred Supplemental Retirement Plan
    13. Tuition Waiver Plan
    14. Official Residences, Offices, and Automobiles
    15. Employees Licensed to Practice Law
    16. Labor Relations
    17. Intellectual Property Policy
  2. Faculty and Administrative Employees
    1. Coverage
    2. Responsibilities of the President
    3. Selection of the President
    4. Reassignment of the President
    5. Termination of the President with Notice
    6. Termination of the President for Cause
    7. Distinguished Service Professorship
    8. Salaries and Compensation
    9. Administrative Employees with Faculty Rank
    10. Reassignment, Termination, and Contract Modification
    11. Compulsory Disability Leave
    12. Employee Benefits
  3. Civil Service Employees
    1. Coverage
    2. Work Week
    3. Work Schedules and Shift Assignments
    4. Performance Evaluation
    5. Grievance Procedure
    6. Employee Discipline Program
    7. Employee Benefits
    8. Overtime Compensation
    9. Compulsory Disability Leave
  4. Other Employees

III. Academic Affairs (Section III PDF)

  1. Academic Freedom and Responsibility
  2. University Calendar
  3. Degrees
  4. Academic Programs and Plans
  5. Grants and Contracts

IV. Students (Section IV PDF)

  1. Admissions Policies
  2. Student Financial Aid
    1. Definition
    2. Financial Aid Policies
    3. Financial Aid Report
  3. Residency Status
    1. Definitions
    2. Residency Determination
    3. Residency Requirements
    4. Residency Status and Appeal Procedure
    5. Special Situations
  4. Student Conduct
  5. Student Activities and Organizations
  6. Student Publications and Broadcasting Policies
  7. Student Legal Services
  8. Student Housing
  9. Military Science
  10. Intercollegiate Athletics Policy

V. Administrative Affairs (Section V PDF)

  1. Budget and Appropriations Process
    1. Budget Requests
    2. Appropriations Requests
    3. Financial Plans and Reports
    4. Line Item Transfer
  2. Purchases
    1. Approval
    2. Reports
    3. Contract Preparation and Signature
    4. Letters of Intent
    5. Internal Management Guidelines
    6. Change Orders
  3. Income-Producing Contracts
    1. Approval
    2. Reports
    3. Contract Preparation and Signature
  4. Travel
  5. Business Expenses
  6. Moving and Relocating Expenses
  7. Non-Appropriated Funds
    1. Depositories
    2. Collateral
    3. Investment of Funds
    4. Reports
    5. Records and Audits
    6. Bond Resolutions
    7. Reserves
  8. University-Related Organizations
    1. General
    2. Audit Commission Guidelines
    3. Establishment of University-Related Organizations
    4. Contributions
    5. Reports
  9. Contributions
    1. General
    2. Definition
    3. Authority to Accept
  10. Mandatory Fees
    1. Definition
    2. Tuition
    3. Other Mandatory Fees
    4. Waivers
    5. Advance Deposit
    6. Collections
    7. Refunds
    8. Activity Fee
  11. Special Fees and Charges
  12. Internal Offset Procedures
  13. Debt Compliance and Management

VI. Physical Facilities (Section VI PDF)

  1. Use of University Facilities
  2. Construction
    1. Selection Procedures for Architects and Engineers
    2. Change Orders
  3. Naming of University Property
  4. Alcoholic Beverage Policy
  5. Campus Disturbances and Demonstrations
    1. Unauthorized Activities
    2. Penalties
    3. Outside Assistance
  6. Motor Vehicle and Bicycle Regulatory Policies
  7. Use of University Property

Regulations Info

This site is managed through the Office of the President of Western Illinois University.

Athena Brooks
Senior Executive Assistant 