Instruction Services
Library instruction provides academic support for student information skills through a range of programs including: class instruction sessions, the reference desk, and through the library department liaisons.
All library curriculum and instructional methods are built upon research and technology best practices, and the Association of College Research Libraries Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education.
Many classes require library resources to complete a specific assignment. Library faculty collaborate with department instructors to develop research examples and strategies for finding, evaluating, and using information that best meet the information need of course assignments and goals. Library class based sessions stress methods for using library tools for research and composition that support critical thinking and effective assignment outcomes.
Library instruction takes many forms. Through the Reference Desk library patrons can get help to find books, locate online journals and articles or order Interlibrary Loan materials from another library. You can also get one-on-one research assistance. Reference librarians also create printable reference guides for using the library and library databases. For more information, contact the reference desk at 298-2700, or Ask-a-Librarian.
Library Guides are online resource pages that librarians create for you. Guides contain high-quality resources such as selected websites, databases, tutorials, books, and articles to support effective use of information for student assignments. You can use your Library Guide on its own, link it to your class website, or incorporate it into your online course.
Librarians can consult with you on the design of research assignments, recommend resources and search strategies, or join online courses or web conferences to answer library questions related to assignments. If you would like to add a librarian to your online course or discuss a possible collaboration with a librarian, contact Sean Cordes or your liaison librarian.
Library faculty also teach Library 101 credit course. Library credit courses provide vigorous instruction in library and information science concepts and techniques. This includes instruction in theory based knowledge, such as Boolean Logic, and modern techniques for effective information access, management, and product creation.The credit courses provide rich, relevant hands-on experience that provides skills and knowledge that supports student learning throughout the academic career. Check the WIU Course Search for availability.
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