Centennial Honors College
Honors Mentor Program
The Centennial Honors College wants the transition for all Honors students to the University and surrounding community to be as smooth as possible. To assist new students with this transition, we have established the Honors Mentor Program. Honors Mentors are matched with new and incoming Honors student who indicate they would like to be paired with an Honors Mentor.
Honors Mentors and Mentees are encouraged to:
- Keep in regular contact either via email or phone. Communication is essential for success!
- Establish a positive and mutually beneficial relationship.
- Actively participate in Honors, University, and community events.
Honors Mentors are required to participate in a one-on-one or group orientation, depending on scheduling, prior to being matched with a Mentee(s).
To be an Honors Mentor, an eligible applicant must:
- Have completed one year at WIU
- Have completed at least one Honors requirement (ex. In-Course Honors Project, GH299, etc...)
- Have excellent communication skills
- Work well with others
- Uphold University standards and policies
- Complete and submit the Honors Mentor Application
To make the most out of a mentorship, please visit the Honors Mentor Tips for more information.
To be an Honors Mentee, you must:
- Be a new Freshman or Transfer Centennial Honors College student
- Be recently accepted (within the past academic year) into the Centennial Honors College
Honors Mentees may register at anytime.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call (309) 298-2228 or email Alex Geisler at an-geisler@wiu.edu.
Meet the 2016-2017 Mentors
Major: Forensic Chemistry
Minor: Spanish, Criminalistics
Year in College: Junior
Hometown: Mahomet, IL
Hobbies: Baking & reading
Organizations You Currently Belong to: Peer mentor, Blue Key Honors Society, Chemistry Club, Swing Dance
Major: Human Resource Management
Minor: N/A
Year in College: Junior
Hometown: Alexandria, VA
Hobbies: Reading, traveling, shopping, and working out
Organizations You Currently Belong to: Student Honors Association and National Society of Collegiate Scholars
Early Childhood Education
Year in College:
Astoria, IL
Running, baking, reading, sports, being outdoors, being with my friends and family, and watching movies
Organizations You Currently Belong to:
Student Alumni Leadership Council (President), Kappa Delta Pi, Club Softball (President), Blue Key Honor Society (Secretary)
Major: Anthropology, German Language & Culture
Year in College: Sophomore
Hometown: Waterman, IL
Hobbies: Knitting, movies, music, fostering animals (cats)
Organizations You Belong To Currently: Marching band (drumline), Animal Rescue Foundation – IL (off-campus), Northwest Territory Alliance (off-campus)
Major: Social Work
Minor: Law Enforcement and Justice Administration
Year in College: 3rd Year
Hometown: Chicago, IL
Hobbies: Poetry, open mics, and reading
Organizations You Belong To Currently: National Society of Collegiate Scholars
Major: Communication Sciences & Disorders, Piano Performance
Year in College: Senior
Hometown: Hanover Park, IL
Hobbies: Reading, music, hiking, ukulele
Organizations You Belong To Currently: MTNA (treasurer), Phi Kappa Phi (Vice President), Blue Key Honor Society, WJUSSLHA
Major: Law Enforcement and Justice Administration
Minor: Psychology
Year in College: Senior
Hometown: Elk Grove Village, IL
Hobbies: Playing softball, writing, drawing, reading, watching movies, shopping, and musicals
Organizations You Belong To Currently: Student Honors Association (Co-President) and WIU Softball Club (Secretary)
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