Why Tutoring?
Attending tutoring means you are investing time inside and outside the tutoring session in understanding the subject and implementing the critical thinking and problem-solving technique taught to you by the tutor.
There is no tutoring on days when WIU is closed and classes are not in session. There is also no tutoring during final exam week.
Not all tutoring takes place through the Student Learning Center. Please click here to see a list of departmental tutoring offerings.
How Does It Work?
Tutoring is FREE and conveniently offered in person on the Macomb campus at the Malpass Library (2nd floor) Monday through Friday and Sunday or virtually through https://wiuslc.mywconline.com/. If this is your first time scheduling, you will have to set up an account using your WIU email.
Walk in Tutoring - you will still need to create an account and then check in with the Tutor Greeter or Tutor during the daytime and Sunday hours when you arrive.
Guaranteed Tutor sign up - you can schedule a guaranteed tutor for in person tutoring or virtual tutoring. Tutoring is offered in 30 minute increments. If you would like to spend an hour with your tutor, please select an hour appointment.
If you would like a guaranteed tutor:
Step #1 - Sign up for an account. Once you are in the system, under Display Options, choose the Show All "Limit to:" Options and choose the subject.
Step #2 - Arrive for your appointment and check in with the Tutor Greeter.
Tutoring Schedule and Instructions
Hours are as follows:
Monday 11am-2pm, 5pm-9pm
Tuesday 11am-2pm, 5pm-9pm
Wednesday 11am-2pm, 4pm-9pm
Thursday 11am-2pm, 4pm-9pm
Friday 11am-2pm
Sunday 6pm-8pm
Opportunity for in person and virtual tutoring during these times.
- For free online and e-tutoring in writing, history, and political science, click here.
Supplies to Bring to a Tutoring Session
- Pencils/pens and erasers
- Paper
- Course Notes
- Textbook
- Syllabus
- Study guide/assignments
- Calculator (for math courses)
- Electronic device
Meet the Staff
Dr. Miguel Huerta - Director - SLC@wiu.edu
Lisa Melz-Jennings - Tutor Coordinator - SLC@wiu.edu
Georgia Sideri - Student-Athlete contact - G-Sideri@wiu.edu
*Plus numerous tutors and greeters you will meet during your tutoring sessions!
Additional Resources
Check your semester or cumulative GPA with the GPA calculator !
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