Community Involvement: Volunteer at Wesley Village, Volunteer at Macomb Animal Shelter, headed a canned food drive, headed a clothing drive for The Crossing, Organized and Volunteered at children's shopping at the Square, Organize an Vol. at the Lincoln Elementary School Penny Carnival, Started "Special Gifts Theatre" in Northbrook, IL.
Campus Involvement: President of Phi Sigma Sigma, Member of SWSA (Social Work Student Association), Volunteer Chair of Relay for Life, Phi Sigma Sigma Recruitment Chair, NASW (National Association for Social Workers) Liason for the Social Work Dept., Take Back the Night Committee Member, Student Employee, Hall Government, Phi Sigma Sigma Sisterhood Chair, Hillel Committee Member, Learning to Lead Series participant, Greek Week Special Events Chair, Member of WAVE
Fun Facts
Celebrity Dreamdate: George Clooney
Go To Dance Move: The Shopping Cart (never fails)
Hidden Talent: I can make your hand feel like there is a string coming out of it.
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